Title: Unique
Fandom: Beauty And The Beast (TV)
badly_knittedCharacters: Catherine Chandler, Vincent.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 14: Line In The Sand at drabblesoup.
Spoilers/Setting: Anywhere in the first two seasons.
Summary: As much as Catherine loves Vincent, she knows they can never truly be together.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Beauty And The Beast, or the characters. They belong to Ron Koslow.
Vincent is unlike anyone Catherine has ever met, but his uniqueness isn’t merely in the way he looks. His immense physical strength and innate ferocity are tempered by gentleness, compassion, wisdom, and intelligence. He has the heart and soul of a poet, the nobility and courage of a medieval knight, and the mind of a scholar; he’s a mass of contradictions.
She loves him without reserve, yet there’s an invisible line drawn in the sand between them, which they may never cross.
Every moment with him is a bittersweet torture, but to never see him again would be far worse.
The End