FAKE Ficlet: Well Fed

Jul 08, 2022 17:38

Title: Well Fed
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Ryo cooks Dee a special belated birthday dinner.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 670: Past Prompts Revisited 461 - 490 at slashthedrabble, using Prompt 465: Stuffed.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Whelp, I’m officially stuffed,” Dee said, leaning back in his chair and patting his stomach. “Y’know, ya didn’t haveta go to all this trouble. You spoil me.”

“If it was a problem then I wouldn’t do it,” Ryo pointed out. “I love cooking, and I enjoy knowing my efforts are appreciated. Fixing dinner for myself and Bikky is fine, he eats like a horse, but he’s still a kid and there are limits to what he’ll eat. Plus, serving anything with a lot of alcohol in it to a fourteen-year-old is probably not the best idea, even if the alcohol content is fairly low by the time everything’s cooked.”

“So I’m your guinea pig?” Dee leered across the table at his lover.

Ryo laughed. “I wouldn’t say that; you’re more of a willing taster, happy to sample whatever I make.”

“More than happy,” Dee agreed. “And I wouldn’t call this samplin’, not when there’s practically nothin’ left. Thanks for this, gotta be the best meal I’ve ever had, although I’m probably not gonna be movin’ much for the next few hours.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. We didn’t get to celebrate your birthday properly last week, what with being on different shifts, so it seemed only fair to make something special for you, now we’ve both got a couple of days off.” Ryo picked up the wine bottle and shared what was left between their two glasses.

“Special is right, babe. You outdid yourself; all this on top of the cake you baked for my birthday! I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve you.”

“You don’t turn thirty every day, Dee.”

“Probably just as well, if you’re gonna feed me like this every time.” Dee had already loosened his belt a couple of notches and unfastened the button on his pants. “Good thing we’re not workin’ tomorrow, there’s a good chance I’ll be spendin’ the entire day in a food coma.” Dee’s eyes were half closed.

“Well, before you pass out you might want to move to the sofa,” Ryo teased.

“Good thinkin’.” Dee fumbled for his wine glass, picked it up, and levered himself to his feet. “You gonna join me?”

“Soon as I rinse the dishes.” Ryo had filled the pans and left them to soak before sitting down to eat. “You want coffee now, or later?”

“Later, thanks; I don’t have room right now. You gonna need help with the dishes?”

“Not tonight; they can wait until morning.”

“You’re actually gonna leave the dishes overnight?” Dee raised an incredulous eyebrow.

“Won’t hurt just this once. You’re not the only one who’s stuffed; right now all I want to do is zone out in front of the TV, and possibly nap.”

“My kinda plan.”

“I’ll bet.” Drying his hands, Ryo followed Dee into the living room, sinking onto the sofa beside his lover and picking up the remote. Five minutes later, with the TV droning in the background, both men were asleep, too stuffed to keep their eyes open.

The End

fic, fake fic, slashthedrabble, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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