Drabble: Resentment

Apr 19, 2014 14:56

Title: Resentment

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Owen, mentions Suzie, Gwen, Jack

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 313 - Open at tw100. Prompt used is Challenge 84: Replacement.

Spoilers: Everything Changes.

Summary: Owen resents Suzie’s replacement.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: My fifth drabble for this prompt.
A/N: Apologies for not posting on ff.net, something's up with that site so I'll post these there when it gets fixed.

Suzie was barely gone and Jack had already hired her replacement, some naïve, still wet behind the ears rookie police constable with no experience or useful skills. Probably never even held a gun.

So she’d tracked them to their secret base, so what? And yeah, ordering pizzas under the name ‘Torchwood’ probably hadn’t been his brightest idea but no one was perfect. Suzie sure as hell hadn’t been. She’d had a dark side, haunted by her own demons, damaged just like the rest of them, but she’d belonged in ways Gwen never would.

Owen was determined to break PC Cooper.

The End

fic, owen harper, gwen cooper, torchwood fic, tw100, suzie costello, drabble, fic: g

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