Drabble: Spring In Cardiff

Apr 18, 2014 20:19

Title: Spring In Cardiff

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 313 - Open at tw100. Prompt used is Challenge 188: Yellow.

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: As a patriotic Welshman, spring is Ianto’s favourite season.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: My fourth drabble for this prompt.

Spring had finally arrived in Cardiff.

It was Ianto’s favourite time of year; the air was almost balmy, the sun sometimes peeped through the clouds and people started to shed their dull and heavy winter clothes in favour of something colourful. They even smiled at each other and called out cheerful greetings. It was a vast improvement over dreary winter.

Then there were the flowers. Shy snowdrops gave way to the white, purple and gold of crocuses then almost overnight the daffodils appeared, carpets of sunshine yellow dancing in the breeze.

It was a sight that always gladdened his heart.

The End

fic, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, ianto jones, fic: g

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