Title: Together Apart
Fandom: Beauty And The Beast (TV)
badly_knittedCharacters: Catherine Chandler, Vincent.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400
Spoilers: Season 2 episode A Distant Shore.
Summary: Even on opposite shores, at different ends of the country, Catherine and Vincent are still connected.
Written For: Challenge 315: Amnesty at
fan_flashworks, using Challenge 182: Together.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Beauty And The Beast Beauty And The Beast, or the characters. They belong to Ron Koslow.
Catherine and Vincent live their lives for the all too brief moments they get to spend together. That’s the price they know they must pay for their love, and they pay it willingly because even when separated by distance they can still feel each other’s presence, their connection a tangible thing, but now…
Never has a greater distance separated them. Standing on the shore, looking out across the Pacific Ocean as the sun rises, turning the sky pink above the restless purple water, Catherine marvels. They’re on opposite coasts, opposite ends of the country, with over a thousand miles and several time zones between them, and yet not even this can part them. She can feel Vincent’s presence so clearly, as though he stands right beside her on the warm sand in the brightening sunshine, feeling the breeze from the ocean carrying sea spray to moisten their skin, and breathing the clean salt air.
It feels so real she imagines she can see him, sense his quiet, profound pleasure at the glory of the view, his delight in experiencing the dawn of a new day. They are alone together, and together alone, not another soul in sight, no sound but the exultant calls of seabirds and the rush of the waves kissing the shore.
Speech is unnecessary; it would be an intrusion. Each feels what the other feels, senses the other’s thoughts and emotions, and so as she walks, bare feet sinking into the shifting sand, Catherine basks in the warmth of Vincent’s presence, as he keeps pace with her, unseen but nonetheless indefinably there.
They walk for miles in silence, Catherine on a Californian beach, and Vincent in his distant New York dreams, safe in his chamber below the city streets. She sees the world around her as if with Vincent’s eyes, smiles at his unheard laughter, feels a bittersweet ache in her heart at the poignancy of the moment, but it passes quickly, replaced by deep and endless joy that they can share so much even now.
Distance means nothing; their bond stretches like elastic to encompass the miles, soaring from east coast to west and back again as effortlessly as the seabirds glide on the wind.
Catherine’s heart soars too; she tips her head back, closing her eyes as warm sunlight bathes her face and the wind whips her hair around. This is her gift to him.
The End