Title: To Boldly Go
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
badly_knittedCharacters: James T. Kirk.
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Set pre-series.
Summary: In less than twenty-four hours the Enterprise will be embarking on her five-year mission.
Written For: Challenge 304: Travel at
Disclaimer: I don’t own Star Trek, or the characters.
Space: the final frontier. It was no place for the fainthearted. Out there in the vast emptiness were countless planets as yet undiscovered, other intelligent races nobody from earth had ever encountered. So little of the universe had been explored, who knew what might be out there waiting for them?
In less than twenty-four hours the Enterprise would embark on a greater voyage of exploration than any attempted in earth’s past, to travel further into the unknown than any man had ever gone before.
Captain James Tiberius Kirk was ready. He had the best crew Starfleet could muster, the finest ship ever built, and only one task, to seek out those unknown races and civilisations, and if possible, to make peaceful contact.
This was what he was born for, a voyage of adventure and discovery. There would no doubt be many dangers to overcome during the Enterprise’s five-year mission, but there would also be wonders to see, knowledge to be gained, advances in science and technology to be made. Humanity was by no means the most technologically advanced race in the universe.
The potential gains far outweighed the dangers inherent in the voyage ahead, but that hardly mattered to Kirk; the exploration was what stirred his blood, the chance to get out there beyond all that was known, boldly travelling from world to world. To be the first, the pathfinder for future generations; there could be no greater challenge.
The people of earth had always yearned towards the stars. Centuries ago, man set foot on the moon for the first time, already knowing that giant leap would never be enough. The generations that followed reached further and further, and they’d never stop until they’d ventured to the farthest limits of their home galaxy.
The journey was still only just beginning.
The End