Title: Arrogant
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Commissioner Rose, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: Vol. 3, Act 8.
Summary: The more Dee knows about Commissioner Rose, the more he dislikes him.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Haughty’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Dee had taken an instant dislike to Commissioner Berkeley Rose the first time they’d met, mostly because of the other man’s obvious interest in Ryo. The last thing he’d needed was competition for the object of his frustrated desires.
He’d wondered if he was being a bit unfair, because he and Ryo would have faced a whole lot more questions over their involvement in the Renard case back in England if the Commissioner hadn’t pulled a few strings. But the more Dee had gotten to know him, through unavoidable interactions at work, the more that initial dislike had grown.
Berkeley Rose was an arrogant bastard who thought he was better than Dee simply because he’d had the good fortune to be born into money. He reeked of entitlement, and that haughty way he looked down his nose at anyone he considered beneath him made Dee seethe inside.
There was little he could do about it though; Rose outranked most of the NYPD, and his money bought influence. Dee had to tread lightly around his superior because a misstep could cost him his career, and he’d worked too hard to get where he was to lose it all on a charge of insubordination.
Still, when he learned that Rose had tried to force a kiss on Ryo, he’d been ready to say to Hell with everything and put Berkie in his place once and for all, even if it got him suspended, or worse.
Then Ryo, wrestling Dee to the floor in an attempt to prevent him from doing something stupid, admitted to punching Rose in the mouth, and Dee couldn’t keep from laughing, even as his partner turned scarlet with embarrassment.
“Wish I’d seen that!”
Dee didn’t hate Rose any less, but he stopped worrying he’d lose Ryo to him.
The End