BtVS Triple Drabble: Bits And Pieces

May 25, 2022 18:07

Title: Bits And Pieces
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, the Judge, Angelus.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Innocence.
Summary: The Judge has gone to pieces…
Content Notes: None needed.
Written For: Challenge 369: Amnesty 61 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 115: Unidentified Object.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

The rocket launcher worked like a dream. A nice big explosion, and no more Judge. Or maybe that should be A WHOLE LOT more Judge because now there are bits everywhere, and people screaming, shaking unidentifiable gooey, gory blobs out of their hair, and off their clothes. It’s kinda gross, in a triumphant sort of way.

Buffy would love to help her friends collect up the Judge-y bits and dispose of them… Actually, no, she’d really rather not so it’s a good thing she has other matters to attend to, namely Angelus.

As she heads off to a confrontation that’s long overdue, she thinks she hears Oz say something about finding a finger. With any luck that might be the only identifiable piece of a certain overconfident demon left, and Buffy hopes whatever it was that kept the Judge’s dismembered body operational while he was scattered to the farthest corners of the earth can’t operate on tiny fragments.

Burying every single piece in distant locations this time around would take approximately forever, and none of her friends can spare the time. Angel, the one person who could have done it, is currently more interested in putting together demon jigsaw puzzles, although this one might be beyond even a vampire’s single-minded determination.

Speaking of vampires… Time for the showdown.

She and Angelus trade insults, then blows, and Buffy wants to kill him, almost more than anything, and yet she still can’t quite bring herself to do it. Does that make her weak? Her ex-honey sure seems to think so, but he’s wrong, or that’s what she tells herself. Death would be too easy; she wants him to suffer first.

How many have suffered at Angelus’ hands? It’s Buffy’s turn to bring the pain now; she kicks him right in the unmentionables.

The End

fic, buffy summers, oz osborne, btvs, angelus, buffy fic, other character/s, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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