Title: Out With Friends
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo, Others.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee and Ryo don’t spend all their free time together. They have their own friends, as well as those they share.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 662: Friends at
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
Even now that Dee and Ryo were a couple, they still had their own friends; some they shared, which mostly meant the people they worked with, and others they’d met elsewhere. For Dee that meant Tommy and Barry, his two surviving childhood friends, along with Macey from the orphanage, three or four people from the police academy, and a handful of guys at the gay clubs he frequented.
Ryo’s friends were a bit more varied, among them his neighbours Terri and Melinda, Carol’s Aunt Elena, FBI agent Diana Spacey, and Commissioner Berkeley Rose. His childhood friends had abandoned him after his parents were murdered.
Aside from their work colleagues, Dee and Ryo’s friends didn’t really mix; there was no reason for them to since they had little in common. Ryo got along well with all of Dee’s friends that he met, which came as no surprise to Dee since his partner was liked by practically everyone. The same wasn’t exactly true for Dee when it came to his lover’s friends, with a few notable exceptions. Dee liked Elena, and was cordial enough around Terri, but Melinda scared him, Diana irritated him, and he didn’t trust Rose anywhere near his baby. Never had and never would, even if he’d learned to tolerate his superior’s presence on occasion, for Ryo’s sake.
Not that Dee would ever begrudge Ryo any of his friendships, let alone try to dictate who his lover could and couldn’t see, but that didn’t mean he had to like them. It also didn’t mean he had to socialise with them, and Ryo accepted that.
Tonight, Dee was going for drinks with the guys from work, but Ryo had other plans.
“See ya tomorrow,” Dee said as they left the precinct. “Have fun with the Sea Hag!”
“It’s just dinner, Dee. No need for you to be jealous.” It had become habit for Ryo and Diana to go out for a meal whenever she was in New York, a chance to catch up with what was going on in each other’s lives.
“I know that, and I’m not jealous, but she’s your friend, not mine, so you can keep her.”
Ryo snorted, amused. “I can’t believe you’re still holding a grudge.”
“Hey, first time she came on the scene she was all over me! Nearly ruined my chances with you.”
“She’s also the one who told me I shouldn’t keep stringing you along the way I was. If not for her, you and I might not be together now.”
“Yeah, I know, and I guess I owe her for that, but it doesn’t mean we’re ever gonna get along. Call it a clash of personalities. I like her a lot better when she’s in D.C. Just wish we could send Rose there too. Permanently.”
“Poor Dee.” Ryo was grinning, not sounding the least bit sorry for his partner.
“Yeah, poor me.” Dee grinned back. “I get a night out on the town while you swap small talk with your bestie.”
The End