Title: Tempting Fate
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Bikky’s away, so Dee and Ryo finally have some time to themselves.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Glass’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Dee picked up the almost empty wine bottle, sharing what was left between their two glasses, no more than half a glass each. There’d only been half a bottle anyway, left over from the previous weekend, and they’d drunk most of that with dinner. No sense wasting the last little drop. A glass and a half was nothing, not as part of a big meal. Wouldn’t even get them tipsy.
Setting the bottle aside, Dee raised his glass.
“A toast.”
“To what?” Ryo smiled warmly across the table at his lover, and Dee grinned back, feeling more relaxed than he had in weeks.
“To us finally gettin’ some quality alone time, no interruptions guaranteed.”
It wasn’t often they got an evening like this, all to themselves, but Bikky had been shipped out that morning to spring basketball camp, which meant two weeks of freedom from responsibility for the annoying little runt. Well, okay, teenager. Same difference. From Dee’s point of view, being fourteen didn’t make Ryo’s foster son any less annoying than he’d been at ten.
Ryo clinked his glass against Dee’s. “That’s not entirely guaranteed though, not in our line of work.”
“Don’t talk like that!” Dee glared at his lover. “You realise you’ve probably jinxed us now.”
Ryo snickered. “For someone who claims not to be superstitious…”
Dee didn’t let him finish. “It’s called temptin’ fate, and that’s got nothin’ to do with superstition.”
“If you say so.” There was a teasing light in Ryo’s eyes.
“I just don’t want anything spoilin’ the next couple of weeks. We’ve earned a bit of us time.”
“We still have to go to work,” Ryo reminded his lover.
“Yeah, but that’s daytime; the evenings and nights are all ours. Days off too.”
“Let’s just hope fate’s in a good mood then.”
The End