Stargate SG-1 Ficlet: Home

Mar 28, 2022 18:17

Title: Home
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Teal’c, Others.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Affinity.
Summary: Teal’c finally gets the opportunity to live off base.
Word Count: 631
Written For: juliet316’s prompt ‘SG-1, Teal’c, he's finally able to claim Earth as his home,’ at fic_promptly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate: SG-1, or the characters. They belong to their creators.

Although he was not born on earth, Teal’c believes he has resided here long enough now to claim the world of the Tau’ri as his home. It has taken many years, but he now feels comfortable among the people of earth; not merely those who are his team and his friends, nor even those he works alongside at the SGC, but also those outside of Cheyenne Mountain.

As though to put a seal on his sense of belonging, he has at last been granted the long-held desire to acquire a place of residence off base, an apartment of his own which he will have the freedom to decorate as he chooses. He has discovered many shows on the television concerning home design and decoration that have proved most educational, and now has many ideas he looks forward to putting into practice.

The new challenges that will inevitably come from his independence are to be welcomed and embraced. He will purchase food and cook meals for himself, and perhaps at a later date for his guests. He will keep his home clean, tidy, and in good repair, and he will endeavour to become acquainted with his neighbours. This last he looks forward to greatly. It will be a welcome change to meet people who do not work for the United States Air Force.

He is also looking forward to having windows. The lack of natural light within Cheyenne Mountain has always been among the most difficult aspects of living there. Back on Chu’lak, he was accustomed to daylight and fresh air, and the stars at night. The air on earth is considerably less fresh than that of his homeworld, nevertheless it remains preferable to the stale re-circulated air within the base.

His apartment is light and airy, quite spacious, consisting of several rooms, including a kitchen, and one of his first tasks on moving in is to visit a supermarket and buy various foods with which to stock it. The choices are many and varied, but he has eaten earth food for long enough to know his own preferences. The shelves are filled with all kinds of items, some familiar and some not, but fresh fruit and vegetables are available in abundance, and the prices appear quite reasonable. Daniel Jackson has instructed him on budgeting for the essentials of life, so he makes his purchases and returns to his apartment, his home. There he puts the groceries away before turning his attention to the décor, leaning heavily towards tribal influences. The results prove most pleasing to his eye.

As he settles into his apartment, he finds he enjoys interacting with many of his new neighbours and before long there are several he would consider his friends; perhaps not as close as the other members of SG-1, but pleasant company nonetheless. Not all of the people living locally prove such convivial company, but he deals with any problems as they occur, which does not go down too well with everyone, but Teal’c is not a man who can stand idly by while the strong flout the planet’s laws to prey on the weak. Ironically, it is ultimately his determination to uphold the law regardless of personal consequences that results in his return to living on base.

Giving up his apartment, and the freedom it allowed him, is regrettable, and yet it does not diminish his feeling of belonging. Earth is his home, for now at least, but some day, when the false gods have been defeated, he will return to Chu’lak, or perhaps make his home on some other world. He will, however, always hold fond memories of this world and its inhabitants, without whom he might never have found the means by which to fight for the freedom of all his people.

The End

fic, fic_promptly, stargate sg-1, fic: one-shot, ficlet, other character/s, teal'c, fic: g

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