Title: A Breath Of Fresh Air - Follows ‘
Snow Show’
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: Part of my ‘Fall Guys’ stuntman AU.
Summary: Ryo has had more than enough of enough of being snowed in with his lover.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 655: Cabin Fever at
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
After three days of being stuck in their cosy cabin thanks to the heavy snow that had put filming on hold, Ryo was pretty sure he was developing cabin fever. Dee, unsurprisingly, wasn’t, and Ryo was beginning to resent his lover for that.
Dee was relishing the paid time off, especially the part where it was just the two of them, cut off from the rest of the world by snowdrifts and a raging blizzard. He’d been less than thrilled at the start, melodramatically declaring that they might freeze to death, or starve, until Ryo had pointed out how well-equipped the cabin was. By now he’d enthusiastically embraced being trapped with his baby with little to do but read, talk, or have sex. No prizes for guessing which was Dee’s favourite option.
It wasn’t even that Ryo didn’t enjoy the physical aspects of their relationship, he just had a naturally lower sex drive and was ready for a break from trying to keep up with his overeager lover. On the plus side, at least the last bout seemed to have worn Dee out for the moment. He was sprawled across the bed, dead to the world.
Sliding off the mattress without disturbing Dee, Ryo quickly freshened up in the ensuite bathroom and pulled on some clothes, wrapping up warm. He had to get out, even if he didn’t go any further than the woodpile stacked against the wall of the cabin, sheltered by the wide porch. He enjoyed the outdoors a lot more than Dee did, having grown up hiking and camping, kayaking and horseback riding with his parents. Dee, however, had grown up in an inner-city orphanage, his daredevil escapades setting him up for his future career as a stuntman.
The blizzard seemed to have blown itself out at last; the air was still, and the snow had stopped falling. As Ryo pulled the door open, grabbing the shovel propped against the wall just inside and pushing his way through the eighteen inches of snow that had been driven in under the porch roof, he could see patches of blue sky where the clouds were starting to break up.
Pulling the door closed behind him, Ryo breathed deeply of the fresh, clean, icy-cold air, filling his lungs. That was better. Just being outside made the tension he’d barely been aware of begin to melt away. Smiling, he set to work shovelling the snow off the porch and was soon so engrossed in the mindless task that he didn’t hear the cabin door open.
“Hey, there y’are! I was worried the abominable snowman might’ve stolen ya away. Come back inside before ya catch your death. It’s frickin’ freezin’ out here!”
“You go back inside if you’re cold, but I’m fine,” Ryo replied, straightening up. “I was getting tired of being cooped up indoors; needed some fresh air.”
“Yeah? You’ll be gettin’ all ya want of that soon as filmin’ resumes.”
“I know!” Ryo couldn’t wait to get back to work.
The End