FAKE Fic: Snow Show - Follows ‘On Location’

Mar 14, 2022 17:19

Title: Snow Show - Follows ‘ On Location
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: Stuntman AU.
Summary: Stuntmen Dee Laytner and Randy ‘Ryo’ Maclean are filming on location in the wilds of Canada when a snowstorm hits, halting production.
Word Count: 1096
Written For: Theme Prompt: 123 - Snowed In at fandomweekly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Damn! Would ya look at that? I could’a told the director filmin’ on location in Canada in the middle of frickin’ winter was a bad idea,” Dee grumbled, staring out the window at the heavily falling snow. “We’re gonna be stuck indoors all day at this rate; there’s no way we can film anything in this. All the cameras would pick up would be a load of blurry whiteness, and anyway, the whole damned set would be buried before everyone could even get into position! This movie’s turnin’ into a complete disaster.”

“You’re exaggerating again, it hasn’t been that bad,” Ryo said from where he was relaxing on the sofa.

Aside from issues with getting one particular stunt in the can, thanks to a series of unconnected disasters that had resulted in the scene having to be shot seven times, filming had been going relatively smoothly. At least until the cast and crew had woken this morning to blizzard conditions. Weather conditions this far north could be unpredictable.

Dee turned from the window to stare at his lover in disbelief. “Are you kiddin’ me? There’s gotta be three feet of snow out there already, and it’s not showin’ any sign of stoppin’. Everything’s ground to a halt on account of the weather!”

Ryo chuckled. “Yesterday you were complaining about having to be out in the cold, and today you’re complaining because we have to stay indoors in the warm! Is anything about this shoot going to make you happy?”

“Probably not,” Dee admitted, leaning against the wall beside the window so that he was facing his lover. “In case ya haven’t noticed, I don’t much like snow and bein’ cold.”

“But you grew up in New York, same as me. It snows there every winter.”

“Exactly, which is why I work out of L.A. You think I just live there because it’s where the big movie studios are? No way! I’m there because it’s mostly sunny and warm. It only snows up in the mountains, and the only time I go there is when I have to for location shoots.”

“I don’t mind the snow.” Getting up, Ryo wandered over to join his lover at the window and gazed out at the thickly falling flakes. “It’s pretty, and I like to ski when I get the chance.”

“Okay, yeah, skiin’ is one thing snow’s good for, I’ll give it that.”

“We should go skiing together sometime. It’d be fun,” Ryo said, grinning at his partner.

Dee snorted. “Might be doin’ that sooner than either of us would’ve planned. If it keeps comin’ down the way it is, pretty soon that’s gonna be the only way to get around. We’d be up to our hips in it if we tried to walk, which is definitely NOT somethin’ I’m lookin’ to experience.” He wasn’t about to risk frostbite in sensitive places.

“Mm,” Ryo agreed. “Only one problem though; I didn’t think to bring my skis.”

Dee sighed. “Me neither. I guess that’s that, then. We’re stuck in here for the duration, snowed in, with no escape. We’re doomed; they won’t find our bodies until spring.”

Now Ryo was openly snickering. “You just can’t resist being a drama queen, can you? The way you talk, you make it sound like we’re stuck in an unheated trailer in the middle of nowhere, but we’re not. This is a sturdy, weatherproof log cabin, with mains electricity, running water, a well-stocked kitchen, and a huge log pile so we can keep the fire going for extra warmth. We won’t freeze, and we’re not going to starve to death either. We’re not even alone.”

The cabin they were housed in was one of thirty in the mountain resort the film crew had taken over for the duration of location filming. The cast and necessary crewmembers were housed in the others. Dee and Ryo had lucked out in being assigned one of the smaller one-bedroom cabins, which meant they didn’t have to share with anyone else.

Dee wasn’t done with his pity party yet, however. “Oh yeah? And what if the power goes out, genius? Then what’re we supposed to do?”

“Then we have an oil-powered generator in the shed outside, plenty of candles and oil lamps, and that log pile I mentioned. We can even cook over the fire if we have to. Now stop being such a pessimist and try looking on the bright side for once; we get at least one day when we don’t have to risk our lives performing death-defying stunts in freezing conditions to make a couple of actors look good. All we have to do today is stay indoors where it’s warm, relax, and entertain ourselves. For as long as this blizzard lasts, we’ll be getting paid to do nothing; how often does that happen?”

“Entertain ourselves, huh?” There was a speculative look in Dee’s eyes now. “Just you and me, all alone in this little cabin, completely cut off from the rest of the world…” He trailed off, grinning. “We got a roarin’ log fire, a big, soft bed, a ton of cosy comforters and blankets… Yeah, I can think of a few ways we can entertain ourselves.”

Ryo rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what his lover was talking about. It wasn’t that Dee had a one-track mind, but he did have a very healthy libido.

“I’ll bet you can, but I was thinking more along the lines of curling up with a good book.”

“Aw, c’mon, babe! I mean, I got nothin’ against books, you know that, but we can read anytime. With the snow comin’ down so hard right now, ain’t nobody gonna come by and interrupt us, so don’tcha think we should make the most of the opportunity to keep each other warm?” Dee slid his arms around the man he loved, pulling Ryo close. “Sittin’ around all day doin’ nothin’ isn’t healthy. We don’t know how long the snow’s gonna last, so we should make sure to get plenty of exercise, keep ourselves fit so we’ll be in good shape when it’s time for us to get back to filmin’.”

“You’re impossible.” Ryo smiled at his lover. “I guess you’re right though, we probably should try to keep active; we wouldn’t want to stiffen up from the cold, not when we still have some big stunts ahead, and since we don’t have any gym equipment on hand, looks like we’ll have to improvise.”

“Exactly! We’ve got plenty of time to work up an appetite before lunch, get the blood pumpin’ with a good old-fashioned full-body workout, if ya get my meanin’.”

Ryo gave in to the inevitable. “Well, okay; why not?”

“YAY!” Suddenly Dee didn’t care if it kept snowing until their cosy little cabin was completely buried beneath an unbroken pile of whiteness. All he needed to survive being snowed in was the blazing log fire in the hearth, a few warm blankets, and the gorgeous man in his arms. He was beginning to think the blizzard was a blessing in disguise.

TBC in ' A Breath Of Fresh Air'

fic, fandomweekly, fake fic, fic: sequel, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, au, fic: pg

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