FAKE Fic: On Location - Follows ‘Unpredictable’

Feb 28, 2022 17:43

Title: On Location - Follows ‘ Unpredictable
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, OCs
Rating: PG
Setting: Stuntman AU.
Summary: Stuntmen Dee and Ryo are shooting a movie on location and it’s pretty chilly work.
Word Count: 898
Written For: Challenge 320: Wrap at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“That’s a wrap!” the director called out, and Dee slumped with relief.

“At last! Thought they were never gonna get that scene in the can!”

Beside him, Ryo flopped onto his back on the ground, easing the kinks out of his cramping legs. He didn’t stay there for long though; the ground was too cold and soon had him scrambling to his feet again, moving to sit on a nearby prop.

“How many takes was that? I’ve lost count.”

“Seven, I think, or maybe eight.”

Outdoor shoots in winter were one of the less delightful aspects of being stuntmen, especially on a gig like this one. The action kept their blood pumping, often making them hot and sweaty, but the moment they stopped the cold started to seep in again. They’d been starting and stopping for the last four hours as the director tried to film one tricky action sequence. Every time something went wrong, or he failed to get the shot exactly how he wanted it, Dee and Ryo had to sit around waiting while the whole thing was set up again, pulling on coats and wrapping themselves in blankets until the call went out, “Places, everyone; let’s try this again!”

The worst part was, the two stuntmen had gotten their part of the scene down perfectly on the first take, but one of the extras had tripped and faceplanted right in the path of one of the movie’s ‘baddies’, who’d fallen over him. On the next attempt a police car had passed by on a nearby street, sirens wailing, and on the one after that the camera had run out of film.

Then the young actress playing the heroine got so flustered from all the stopping and starting that she forgot her lines mid-scene, and then the director wasn’t happy with the camera angle, and on the next take, a bulb on one of the lighting rigs blew with a sound like a gunshot, and everyone on set hit the deck. It had started to feel like the scene was jinxed.

Every time, Ryo and Dee had to return to the roof of the building that was being used, climbing eight flights of stairs because there was no elevator, before sliding down a zipline with Ryo clinging to Dee’s belt and dangling precariously below his partner as they glided towards the ground, dropping at the bottom to take out the baddies and save the girl.

It was a buddy movie with the two stuntmen doubling for two of the hottest rising stars in the business, and if they’d been filming on a lot in Hollywood, it would’ve been a breeze. But instead the movie was being shot in Canada, in February, with patches of real snow on the frozen ground, and their breath steaming in the air.

“Great work, guys!” the director shouted across to them. It was alright for him, wrapped up in a heavy parka and standing by a heater. Hell, he probably had on thermal underwear too, something Dee and Ryo couldn’t do. With all the running around and climbing stairs they would’ve been sweltering whenever they were in action. “You’re done for today; go get warmed up.”

“Don’t need to tell us twice, you sadistic bastard,” Dee muttered, smiling brightly, and waving at the director to show he’d gotten the message.

“Dee, be nice; the holdups weren’t all his fault.”

“Yeah, I know, it’s just we’re freezin’ our asses off out here.” Dee offered Ryo his hand and pulled him up from where he was perched on a crate that was part of the scenery. Picking up their jackets on the way and shrugging into them, they made their way toward the catering truck to grab a hot coffee before heading for the mobile wardrobe trailer and the draughty tent that was the changing area for most of the cast. The stars got their own trailers of course, but everyone else was having to make do in order to keep the budget within bounds.

Stripping down to boxers and t-shirts, they hurriedly pulled on their street clothes, wrapping up warm against the cold for the trek back to the hotel that was their home-from-home for the duration of the movie. They grabbed another coffee each before setting out on the seven-block walk; they could have taken a cab, but it hardly seemed worth it for such a relatively short distance.

“I’m thinkin’ hot shower, hot meal, and an early night,” Dee said, cradling his coffee between gloved hands and sipping cautiously. “Gotta be up again at five.” It was already late afternoon and they had another of the movie’s big action sequences to film the following day.

“Sounds good to me.” They walked in silence for a few minutes before Ryo spoke again. “I can’t feel my nose.”

Dee grinned into his coffee. “Want me to warm it up for ya?”

Glancing sidelong at his lover, Ryo returned Dee’s grin. “I’ll pass. The coffee’s helping.”

“Your loss. The offer’s there if ya change your mind.”

“You can warm the rest of me once we’re back in our room.”

“That a promise?”

“Nope, it’s an order.”

“That so? Well, it’s one I’m more’n happy to obey.”

“Thought you might be.”

The only good thing about getting so cold was getting warm afterwards, and Ryo was sure Dee knew exactly how to accomplish that.

The End

Sequel: ' Snow Show'

fic, fake fic, fic: series, ryo maclean, dee laytner, au, other character/s, fake, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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