FAKE Fic: The Shooting Contest

Feb 14, 2022 18:03

Title: The Shooting Contest
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, JJ.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Ryo and JJ are both top-level marksmen, but JJ is determined to find out which of them is the best shot.
Word Count: 1210
Written For: Theme Prompt: 106 - Competition at fandomweekly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Dee turned to stare incredulously at his lover, not sure he believed what he’d just heard.

“What? Are you sure that’s what he said?”

“Of course I’m sure, Dee; he was very clear.”

“But that’s crazy! You’re both great marksmen; what does it matter which of you is the best? It’s your job; it’s not supposed to be a competition!”

“I know that, but you try telling JJ. It’s never mattered to me, but for some reason it does to him, and he wants to know once and for all. To tell the truth, I don’t think he’s ever gotten over me taking that guy out with one shot while I had a fever. I suppose he thinks a straight-up contest between us will prove that it was just a fluke, a lucky shot. He still says I shouldn’t have risked it, but what choice did I have? That hostage was counting on us, and from my position I just had a better angle on the target than JJ did. I had a clear shot, and I took it.”

“Yeah, that was a tricky shot. I remember JJ yellin’ at you over it, callin’ you irresponsible. Not that I agreed with him, I think I made that pretty clear. You did an amazin’ job; I was proud of you.”

“I know, but maybe he was right, at least in part; it WAS a risky shot, and if it had gone badly, I could’ve hit the wrong person. Still, I know my own abilities, and part of sniper training is learning how to ignore any and all distractions, even physical discomfort, when focusing on a target. I was confident I wouldn’t miss.”

“It’s sour grapes, babe; he doesn’t like that you upstaged him even though you were sick at the time, so now he wants to put you in your place. You’d think he’d be content with bein’ one of the two best sharpshooters in the state.”

Ryo shrugged. “Apparently not. Besides, he probably is better than me. If he needs to prove that in front of witnesses, then I’m game.”

“Modesty, thy name is Ryo,” Dee teased.

“It’s not modesty, Dee; I’m serious. You saw that pinhole shot he made his first day at the precinct. He emptied a full clip into the target and hit almost precisely the same spot with every shot. I’ve never been able to do that, I always have one or two just off centre. JJ has the steadiest hands I’ve ever seen, even for a sniper.”

“Ah, he was just showin’ off, tryin’ to impress me. Not that it worked.”

“Oh come on, I was there; you were impressed.” Ryo grinned at his lover. “I know I was.”

“Okay, maybe I was, just a little, but don’t you dare tell JJ that. I’d never hear then end of it.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” The solemnity of Ryo’s tone was belied by the twinkle in his eyes.

“Y’know, maybe that’s what this is all about. He had a crush on me for years, but you’re the one I’m with. Maybe he just wants to beat you at somethin’, salvage what’s left of his pride, and he thinks winnin’ some dumb target shootin’ contest will do it.”

Ryo nodded slowly. “I guess that does make a kind of sense, but if it’ll make him feel better, I don’t see what harm it can do. Like I said, I accepted the challenge.”

“So you’re just gonna go ahead with it and let JJ win to keep him happy?”

Ryo snorted. “No, of course not! For one thing, he’d know if I did that, and then he’d really be upset. This has to be a completely fair contest, with both of us trying our best. I may not care which of us is the better shot, but I’m still curious to find out if I could beat him, or even come close. He’s the best marksman I’ve ever seen.”

“Fine, but just so ya know, I’ll be there, cheerin’ you on.”

“I should hope so, you’re my partner; it would look odd if you didn’t show. But if you try to distract JJ in any way, you won’t like the consequences. Fair warning.”

Dee raised his hands. “Quiet as a mouse, I swear. Drake better keep his mouth shut when it’s your turn; you know he’s gonna be cheerin’ for JJ. The rest of the squad could go either way.”

The day of the contest dawned clear and dry, if a bit chilly. The shootout was to take place at the police academy; first outdoors on the rifle range, then indoors with the two detectives using their service weapons.

Ryo told JJ that since the contest was his idea, he should get to decide whether he wanted to go first or second, adding, “I don’t mind either way.”

“Why take turns at all?” JJ asked. “It’s not like there’s only one lane, and if we’re both shooting at the same time, our partners will have to keep still and quiet or they might accidentally distract the wrong person.”

“Sounds fair to me.” Ryo offered JJ his hand. “May the best man win.”

JJ accepted the handshake. He might see Ryo as his rival in certain things, but they were still mostly friends.

There was little to choose between the two sharpshooters when it came to distance shooting, the powerful rifles took each target dead centre, except when an unexpectedly strong gust of wind sent both men’s aim slightly off on one shot. When they moved the contest indoors, however, JJ once again pulled off his pinhole stunt. They’d agreed beforehand to fire off ten rounds each, even though the magazines of their preferred weapons both held more, and while all of JJ’s shots were so closely clustered in the centre of the target that they made a hole only slightly larger than a single bullet would have made, the hole in the centre of Ryo’s target was a bit larger and more ragged, the shots still clustered together but not quite as tightly.

Needless to say, JJ was thrilled with the result, and Ryo, never a sore loser, was the first to congratulate him.

“Well done, JJ. I’ve never seen you shoot better.”

“Thanks. And you did really well too. You’re very good,” JJ told him. “It’s just that I’m better.”

Later, as they all celebrated JJ’s win together, Dee stared up at the sky. “It was just a dumb contest for braggin’ rights; I don’t think the fireworks are strictly necessary.”

Ryo laughed. “Lighten up, Dee; JJ likes them, and he won, so why shouldn’t he celebrate his victory the way he wants?”

“You seriously don’t mind that you lost?”

Smiling, Ryo took his lover’s hand. “Why would I? You said yourself, I’m still one of the two best marksmen in the state. What does it matter if I’m only second best? The way I see it, I’m still the winner because I’ve got you. Let JJ enjoy his consolation prize.”

“Well, when you put it that way…” Dee grinned at his partner. “How about we have a little celebration of our own later?”

Clinking his beer bottle against Dee’s, Ryo nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

The End

fic, fandomweekly, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, jj adams, dee laytner, fake, fic: pg

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