Double Drabble: Confessing

Feb 05, 2022 17:32

Title: Confessing
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Gwen, Owen, Rhys.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 694: Pity at tw100.
Spoilers: Combat.
Summary: Gwen is feeling sorry for herself.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

Having an affair with Owen had been wrong, Gwen had known that all along. She had Rhys at home, a good, solid, dependable man who loved her. Lying to him, sneaking out to be with someone else, was the worst kind of betrayal, but it had been fun, exciting, an adrenalin rush, not unlike her job with Torchwood.

Owen had lost interest in her recently though, he’d been less eager to slip away with her for a quick shag, and with the thrill beginning to get old for her as well, the guilt had started to seep in. The more she thought about what she’d done, the worse she felt until she knew she had to confess, salve her conscience so she could sleep at night.

It would be simple. She’d tell Rhys about her fling, admit that it was a huge mistake, promise him that she loved him, and it would never happen again. Then he’d forgive her, and the Retcon in his beer would make sure he’d never remember, so there’d be no awkwardness between them.

But he hadn’t forgiven her, and nobody was at the Hub to console her. Slumped on the sofa, she wallowed in self-pity.

The End

fic, owen harper, rhys/gwen, owen/gwen, rhys williams, gwen cooper, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: pg

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