FAKE Ficlet: Stirred And Shaken

Jan 31, 2022 17:39

Title: Stirred And Shaken
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: On a trip to L.A., Dee and Ryo get a bit shaken up.
Word Count: 785
Written For: Challenge 357: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 352: Shake.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

When Bikky had decided he wanted his car with him at college, to make getting around the sprawling city easier, Ryo had roped Dee in to help him and they’d made the long drive from New York to L.A. over the course of a week, taking it easy, trading stints behind the wheel every couple of hours, and doing a bit of sightseeing along the way.

They’d both enjoyed the road trip, but they were just as glad they wouldn’t have to drive all the way back as well; despite taking breaks, it had been a long haul. Still, they had their flight home already booked, and a whole week ahead of them to spend time with Bikky, when he wasn’t in class or at basketball training, and to do whatever else they wanted. Sunny California sure beat the dreary weather they’d left behind.

As Bikky was living on campus, sharing a dorm room with another student, the two men had arranged their own accommodations elsewhere. After dropping the car off and taking Bikky out for a meal, where they’d all caught up on each other’s news, Dee and Ryo hailed a taxi and headed back to their room, at a reasonably priced hotel a couple of miles from the college.

A couple of glasses of wine with their meal had left Dee in a frisky mood and he pounced almost as soon as Ryo closed the door behind them, kissing and groping him, trying to peel his clothes off.

“Dee!” Ryo protested. “Can’t you wait five minutes? You’re insatiable!”

“Yep, and you’re gorgeous. C’mon, babe; we’ve got this big, comfy bed, and nowhere we need to be.” He sucked on his lover’s earlobe and Ryo’s legs buckled. Dee was far too good at seducing him; he almost always got what he wanted, not that Ryo had any complaints. Giving in to the inevitable, he let Dee steer him towards the bed, shedding their clothing as they went.

Maybe twenty minutes later, they were poised right on the brink or orgasm when the bed suddenly started to shake, and the unexpected movement tipped them both over the edge, intense pleasure flooding their senses to the point that they weren’t really aware of much else. After several endless moments Dee slumped on top of his partner, both of them catching their breath.

“Babe? Did the just earth move?” he mumbled against Ryo’s shoulder.

“Don’t know about the earth,” Ryo replied, a bit muzzily, “but I think the bed did.”

Dee levered himself up and rolled off to avoid squashing his lover. “Yeah? Awesome! I knew I was good, but I didn’t know I was THAT good.”

Ryo snickered. “We’re in California; it was probably a small earthquake. Sorry to burst your bubble.”

“What’re ya sayin’, that I don’t make the earth move for ya?” Dee propped himself on one elbow to stare down at his lover, frowning.

“You’re the only one who ever has, but you don’t usually make me feel like my teeth are rattling in my head.”

There was a low, barely audible rumbling sound, and the bed started to shake again, although less fiercely than the first time. Nevertheless, Dee clutched at the mattress; now that he wasn’t otherwise occupied, the unexpected shaking was a little alarming.

“Relax, Dee; it’s just a small aftershock, nothing to worry about.”

“Easy for you to say. What if the hotel collapses around us?” Dee glanced worriedly towards the ceiling.

“It won’t, not with a tiny quake like that. Besides, down here most of the buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes. We’ll be fine, the worst is already over.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes. Bikky’s mentioned the occasional earth tremor when we’ve spoken on the phone. They’re so small you have to practically be on top of a faultline to even feel anything.”

Beneath them, the bed shuddered slightly, a brief shiver of movement, far less intense than previously. Dee waited tensely until it stopped before he lay back down.

“I hope it’s not gonna do that every night,” he muttered, pulling the sheet up over their cooling bodies. “I’d rather not have to sleep on a bed that keeps tryin’ to buck me off onto the floor.”

Rolling onto his side, Ryo draped one arm and leg over his lover. “You’re safe, I won’t let you fall.”

“Thanks. Next time the earth moves, it better be because of what we’re doin’, not ‘cause somethin’ underground is feelin’ twitchy,” Dee grumbled, snuggling closer.

“I’ll be sure to send the Mayor of L.A. a memo first thing in the morning: Please cancel all scheduled earthquakes for the duration of our stay.”

Dee huffed. “Smartass.”

Ryo just grinned. “Go to sleep.”

The End

fic, fake fic, fic: pg-13, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fan_flashworks

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