FAKE Fic: New Year, New Ideas

Jan 20, 2022 17:37

Title: New Year, New Ideas
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee thinks he and Ryo might be getting into a rut, but it’s okay; he has plenty of ideas on what they can do about it, much to Ryo’s trepidation.
Word Count: 968
Written For: Theme Prompt: 122 - Novelty at fandomweekly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Feels like we’re in a kinda rut,” Dee said over breakfast one morning after Ryo had spent the night at his place. “I was thinkin’ maybe we should try somethin’ new. I’ve got a few ideas.”

Ryo immediately started choking on the bite of toast he’d just taken. After three years together he knew too well the way his lover’s mind worked, and he could only imagine what Dee meant by THAT. Or actually he couldn’t imagine, and wasn’t at all sure he wanted to. He might be an experienced detective in the Serious Crimes Unit, but he was nowhere near as worldly as Dee when it came to… certain aspects of their relationship.

As Ryo coughed and spluttered, Dee leapt to his feet, being the concerned and helpful boyfriend that he was, and gave his partner a couple of good thumps between the shoulder blades, almost causing him to faceplant in the remains of his breakfast.

“You okay there, babe?”

Waving Dee away, Ryo took a swig of coffee, giving himself a few precious moments to regain his equilibrium. Thanks to his coughing fit, his face was so red that Dee probably wouldn’t realise he was blushing.

“I’m fine now,” he said at last, having gotten his breath back. “A crumb went down the wrong way, that’s all.”

“Yeah, done that myself a few times. Gotta be careful with toast.” Dee drained his own coffee cup. “So, whaddaya think about my idea, gettin’ outta our rut?”

Ryo had been hoping Dee had forgotten about that.

“Um…” He had no clue what to say.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complainin’; life’s been pretty sweet since we got together, but we’re always doin’ the same things. Work, maybe a beer or two with the guys, sleepin’ over at each other’s place two or three times a week, a movie every couple of weeks… We always go to the same restaurants when we eat out, the same clubs when we wanna let our hair down, and it’s always fun, but when was the last time we tried anythin’ new?”

“Depends what you mean by ‘new’.” Ryo was still floundering, waiting for Dee to start reeling off a list of positions and other stuff he’d read about in a magazine.

Dee shrugged. “Maybe have dinner at a restaurant we haven’t tried before, check out that new club that just opened. Or we could try somethin’ else, somethin’ completely different.”

‘Here it comes…’ Ryo thought. He didn’t want to come across as a stick in the mud though. Dee had always been so patient with him, taking things slowly as he’d gotten accustomed to the physical side of their relationship. “Such as?” He kept his eyes down, focusing on the last of his scrambled eggs and sausage.

“I know with our work schedules it won’t be easy to fit stuff in, but I saw an ad for dance classes, and the community college is runnin’ a whole bunch of night classes. Art, photography, woodwork, metalwork, sculpture. Then there’s a series of seasonal nature walks startin’ soon in Central Park. I mean, I don’t know what they expect people to see in the middle of winter, but I know you love that kinda stuff so I figured we could give it a try if you want. Hey, maybe we could even go to a wine-tasting event, or… I think I heard about one where ya try different kinds of coffee.”

Tension drained out of Ryo, and he looked across at his lover, smiling; for once Dee was thinking about something other than sex, which was nothing short of a miracle, but nonetheless very welcome. Then again… “Not sure a wine-tasting would be a good idea. I remember what happened the last time you overindulged!”

“Never gonna let me forget that, are ya? No chance I’d get drunk though. Way I hear it, you’re not supposed to swallow the stuff, just taste it and spit it out, which kinda sounds like a waste of good wine, but I’d be game if you are.”

“We’ll see. I like the sound of the coffee-tasting though, a chance to try some different blends, maybe find a couple we like that aren’t too expensive. We can look into the night classes as well, although they might be a bit difficult to fit in with any kind of regularity, but I’d love to go on the nature walks, as long as we’re not working when they take place.”

“Great! I’ll check into the dates for those, and the coffee-tastin’. If we know in advance when they’re scheduled for, we can maybe see if the Chief will let us take those days off.”

“Okay, good, but now we’d better get moving or we’ll be late for work.”

“Right, can’t have that! Don’t wanna give the boss any reason to say no.”

“Just out of curiosity though,” Ryo said as he carried his dishes to the sink, “what brought all this on?”

“Start of a new year, I guess. I know neither of us bothered with resolutions, but it just seems like a golden opportunity to change things up a bit, start the year the way we mean to go on, try some new stuff and live a little. Should have more goin’ on in our lives than work and home.” Dee picked up the dishtowel to dry while Ryo washed.

Impulsively, Ryo turned to give his lover a quick kiss. “I think you should get a gold star for being so thoughtful.”

“Yeah? Cool, although I can think of a few rewards I’d like better.” Dee leaned in to whisper a few ideas in his lover’s ear and Ryo groaned.

“Hornball!” he accused. It always came around to sex eventually.

Dee grinned, undaunted. “I’ll take that as a maybe.”

The End

fic, fandomweekly, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, fic: pg

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