Double Drabble: Intellectual

Jan 05, 2022 17:00

Title: Intellectual
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Nosy.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 690: Smart at tw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Is Nosy an exceptional Fluff?
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

“Do you think all Fluffs are as smart as Nosy, or is it special, a Fluff genius?” Jack asked one day as he and Ianto sat on the sofa in the break room, watching their alien friend tapping away on its tablet using a stylus held in its mouth. It was typing up its own report on the events of the previous day, when alien invaders had broken into the Hub. Their attempt to take over had been foiled by the Torchwood team and their band of allies.

“Hard to say. I mean, Nosy and Dizzy are the only Fluffs we’ve ever met, and being its offspring, Dizzy knows most of what Nosy knows.”

“Mm. I suppose we’d have to compare Nosy with an unrelated Fluff to be sure.”

“Even that might not give an accurate picture of Fluff intellect.”

“What d’you mean?” All Jack’s attention was now on his lover.

“Well think about it. Maybe all Fluffs have the potential to be as smart as Nosy, they just haven’t been given the right opportunities to expand their minds. How much can they learn if nobody makes an effort to teach them? Natural curiosity can only take them so far.”

The End

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, nosy, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, nosy-verse, drabble, fic: g

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