FAKE Fic: Shared Shower [NSFW]

Dec 24, 2021 17:22

Title: Shared Shower
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: NC-17
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: There’s no need to rush to work, so Dee and Ryo make the most of their morning shower.
Word Count: 1259
Content Notes: Shameless smut.
Written For: Challenge 228: Morning at beattheblackdog.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

A few days ago, morning had meant a mad scramble to get up, showered, shaved, dressed, and out of the apartment in double quick time after their alarm clock had failed to go off, almost making them late for work. The following couple of days hadn’t been quite so bad, just the usual level of rushing around caused by not wanting to get out of bed because the weather was so miserable and cold, and they’d had to work late the night before.

They’d worked late again last night, but that was okay because this morning they weren’t at work, in fact they had the next three days off, which kind of made the overtime worthwhile. No need to get up early, no need to dodge each other trying to get through their morning routines, no need to do anything they didn’t want to do. Dee had almost forgotten what that felt like. It was almost sinfully luxurious.

“Mornin’,” he mumbled drowsily against Ryo’s bare shoulder, his breath tickling and making his lover twitch.

“Just barely,” Ryo replied, disentangling himself from Dee and stretching, feeling relaxed and more rested than he had in way too long.

Dee propped himself up on one elbow, tearing his eyes away from the enticing sight to peer across his lover’s body at the alarm clock on the nightstand.

“It’s not that late, not even half ten. You make it sound like we slept the whole mornin’ away.”

“I thought we had.” Ryo smiled lazily.

“Nope! It’s still early. Doesn’t mean we haveta get up though.”

“Yes it does.” Kicking the covers back Ryo slid out of bed, pyjama pants slung low on his hips, and grabbed his robe off the chair before disappearing into the en suite bathroom, calling back over his shoulder, “This isn’t a hotel; no room service, so if you want to eat today at least one of us has to get up.”

“Darn, you’re right.” Dee stared at the closed bathroom door and raised his voice. “You’d better not even be thinkin’ of showerin’ without me.”

“Showering comes later!” Ryo called back. The toilet flushed and Ryo came back into the bedroom, fastening his robe. “Coffee first, then a shower, then breakfast, okay?” He crossed the bedroom and turned the heating up a bit, gazing out the window at grey skies and heavy rain. “This looks like a day for staying home.”

“No argument from me.”

Dee didn’t bother with a robe as he took his turn in the bathroom; the bedroom was already beginning to warm up nicely.

By the time Dee left the bathroom, breath all minty fresh, Ryo was in the kitchen making coffee, which they took back to bed with them to drink in comfort; there was no hurry. Mornings like this were all too rare, and not to be wasted, so it was already well past eleven before they set their mugs aside and went to take a shower.

Shared showers were one of the best things about living together, especially since they had a proper shower cubicle in the new en suite instead of the old showerhead over the bath. There was plenty of space, tiled walls and floor, a shelf containing shower gel, shampoo, and waterproof lube; in short, everything they could possibly need.

Ryo set the shower running and they shed their pyjamas, stepping under the hot spray to get thoroughly wet before beginning to soap each other up. Until he and Dee had gotten together, showers had just been a way to wash off the sweat and grime from work, but now they’d become a sensual pleasure, rubbing shower gel over each other’s bodies, making their skin slick and slippery, teasing, exploring, until they were both so turned on that getting clean was set aside in favor of more pleasurable activities.

Pressing Dee up against the cool tiles, Ryo kissed him, their tongues tangling, their erections rubbing together, the foamy suds coating their bodies facilitating movement. He moaned against Dee’s lips, feeling his lover’s hands glide down his back to cup his ass as they ground their hips together.

“Unh!” Dee grunted, thrusting against his baby. “Damn, I’d do this all day if I could.”

“Not sure I could stay on my feet that long.” Ryo was a fit and athletic man, but his legs already felt shaky thanks to all the blood in his body gravitating to one particular part of his anatomy. Nevertheless, his hips continued to move rhythmically, sparks of desire shooting through his body. He didn’t want to stop any more than Dee did, so it was just as well they didn’t have to. Dee’s fingers slid between his ass cheeks, seeking and finding his tight, puckered opening, teasing and stroking, and Ryo shuddered with pleasure, pre-come leaking from his cock and adding to the slick wetness between their bodies.

“Gonna make ya come just like this.” Dee’s hips were moving faster, his own excitement increasing as the delicious friction intensified.

“Yes!” Ryo tore his lips from Dee’s, resting his forehead against his partner’s shoulder. “So close!”

The best part of doing this in the shower was that the mess was so easy to clean up. It made Ryo feel freer, knowing he didn’t need to worry about mopping up, or changing the bedsheets. He could simply let go, give in to the sensation of Dee’s body rubbing against his own, their trapped erections stimulated to the point where they couldn’t hold back a second longer.

“After this, I’m gonna screw ya against the wall, make ya come so hard ya can’t think straight.”

“Guh!” As far as Ryo was concerned, he’d already reached that point; he was teetering right on the brink of coming and as Dee’s teasing fingers slipped inside him, slick with waterproof lube, twisting to graze his prostate, it pushed him over the edge. “Deee!” Ryo’s cock pulsed between them as he came, and it was all Dee could do not to come with him.

As soon as Ryo had recovered enough to support himself on trembling legs, Dee switched their positions, Ryo facing the wall, and Dee behind him, his cock aching, twitching urgently.

“Damn, baby, want ya so bad!” Positioning the head of his cock at Ryo’s entrance he eased in, gritting his teeth, trying to go slowly, but he was already too close, too turned on, and as he sank into Ryo’s velvet heat he couldn’t hold back. He speeded up, making short, fast thrusts, feeling his lover clench tightly around him. Forget about leaving Ryo unable to think straight; Dee’s mind was a blur, swamped by sensation, carried along helplessly on the crest of a wave of intense pleasure, and as he came, he stopped thinking altogether. The next thing he was aware of was being on the floor of the shower, leaning against the wall, with Ryo in his lap, both of them sticky but sated.

“Was that as good as I think it was?” Dee asked when he eventually remembered how to make his mouth form coherent words.

“Uh huh.” Ryo’s head nodded against Dee’s shoulder; two orgasms in quick succession meant he had yet to rediscover speech.

At least the water from the shower was still warm so they were comfortable enough as they waited to regain the use of their legs.

Once they could stand and clean up, breakfast was going to be a necessity; they needed to refuel after their exertions, but for now both men were perfectly fine right where they were.

The End

fic, fic: nc-17, fake fic, beattheblackdog, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake

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