FAKE Ficlet: Lonely Alone

Dec 09, 2021 17:20

Title: Lonely Alone
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Somehow a lazy evening by himself isn’t anywhere near as pleasant as it used to be. Now Dee’s just lonely.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Challenge 217: Lonesome at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters.

“Home alone.” Dee sighed heavily. “All by my lonesome.” Another heartfelt sigh. “This sucks.” Sliding sideways on the sofa until he was lying down, he lifted his legs onto the seat and wriggled around to get comfortable, head resting on the sofa’s padded arm. One-handed, he fumbled around behind his back until he found a cushion and dragged it around to where he could hug it to his chest. “Alone and unloved.”

Okay, maybe the unloved bit was exaggerating just a smidge. He knew there were people who loved him: Mother, and Ryo, and… Well, Mother and Ryo anyway, and Jess, before he’d been killed. Dee liked to think Jess was still watching over him though, so maybe it was fair to include him on the list. Not that it made much difference since none of his loved ones were currently here. It was just Dee, all by himself, feeling lonely and abandoned. There wasn’t even anything decent to watch on TV.

“I should’ve gone out for drinks with the guys.” Only he hadn’t, because he was tired, and his knee was aching. He’d wrenched it earlier in the day when he’d slipped on a patch of ice, and all he’d wanted at the end of shift was to go home and get off his feet. Well, he’d succeeded in that, but now his empty apartment was mocking him.

Used to be, he’d cherished those rare night he got to spend with only himself for company, a night away from his work colleagues, his obligations to Mother, and whoever he happened to be dating. They were a chance to catch up on sleep and just be a lazy slob, doing what he wanted instead of having to fit in with someone else’s plans. Funny how things had changed.

Ryo had gone home at the end of shift too, saying he hadn’t been spending enough time with Bikky recently, and Dee had taken that to mean his presence wasn’t required. He hadn’t even minded at the time; he knew Ryo had to put the kid first, and he’d figured a lazy evening by himself would recharge the old batteries. Yeah, right. Being alone just led to thinking. It was… depressing.

He was so sunk in his lonesome moping that he didn’t hear the front door open.

“Hey. I’m not disturbing you, am I? Probably should’ve called first instead of just coming over.”

Dee blinked up at the figure looming over him. “Ryo? What’re ya doin’ here? Thought ya said you were stayin’ home tonight with the runt.”

Ryo smiled wryly. “I was, but it turns out Bikky had made other plans, sleepover at a friend’s place, but after he left I just didn’t feel like spending all evening by myself.”

Grinning, Dee tossed his cushion aside and held out his arms. “C’mere.”

Hanging his jacket over the back of a nearby chair, Ryo settled beside Dee on the sofa. “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

Dee kissed him. “I’m glad you’re here.”

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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