Ficlet: The Torchwood Zoo

Dec 02, 2021 16:50

Title: The Torchwood Zoo
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Andy, Ianto, Jack, Fluffs.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Torchwood is home to so many alien creatures by now it resembles a zoo.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 216: Zoo at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

“You know, if we ever run short of funds, we could open this place up as a zoo,” Andy commented, as he helped Ianto wrangle their latest alien visitor into a vacant cell across from the black, rubbery thing known as Yuk. “We could even have a petting section.”

“Petting Weevils probably wouldn’t be a wise idea,” Ianto pointed out as they closed the door on the new arrival, a squat, sausage-shaped creature with shaggy blue fur, orange eyes, and a nose like a trumpet.

“Well, no, that would be a good way to lose a few fingers. I was thinking more along the lines of some of the friendlier residents, the Fluffs, Shrodlets, maybe a couple of herbivores from the Reservation, Wooliphants, or Plorbs, and this furry fellow.”

The only reason it had taken two people to get it into the cell was that it was so affectionate, wagging its plump body and honking happily every time anyone so much as spoke to it. It would probably be fine to let the creature run free around the Hub since it was completely herbivorous, but as with all new arrivals, Owen had decided a period of quarantine was advisable, just in case it was carrying any parasites or diseases that could infect the other inhabitants.

That was mostly a precaution because of the children. With so many of them, Torchwood’s day-care was in full swing. The original nursery Tosh had decorated a few years ago had been extended; now there was a play area and an indoor jungle gym, complete with climbing frame, slides, swings, and a sandpit. Meriel and Anwen were both old enough that they could be trusted to behave responsibly under minimal supervision, but Lily was only six while the twins were three and a half, and full of mischief. Someone had to keep an eye on them at all times.

Right now, the three older children were at school and the twins were in the playroom, under the watchful gaze of both Nosy and George, while Flufflets Dizzy, Squiggle, and Spot were taking a break from their responsibilities for some much-needed exercise, chasing each other around the Hub. Coming back up from the cells, Ianto and Andy automatically paused just outside the stairwell to let the furry aliens zoom past.

Myfanwy soared overhead, screeching, as the Flufflets, tangled together in a sort of wrestling match, rolled over and over until they tumbled into the ball pit.

Ianto shook his head, chuckling.

“What’s funny?” Jack asked, wandering past, a Shrodlet perched on his shoulder. Over the past few years, two more pregnant females had come through the Rift; the Hub was now home to a thriving colony. Despite Ianto’s efforts, they were forever escaping from their pen. Tosh and Owen were busy trying to round up the stragglers.

“Andy suggested we turn the Hub into an alien petting zoo to supplement our funds, but it looks like we already have.”

Jack grinned. “Torchwood’s always been a zoo.”

The End

anythingdrabble, andy davidson, fic, jack/ianto, tosh/owen, nosy, ianto jones, toshiko sato, fic: one-shot, ficlet, myfanwy, fic: pg, jack harkness, owen harper, torchwood fic, nosy-verse, other character/s

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