FAKE Quadruple Drabble: Introductions

Dec 01, 2021 17:21

Title: Introductions
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, Dick, JJ, Ted, Jim.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: When everyone shows up at Dee and Ryo’s for game night, they get a surprise.
Written For: Challenge 352: Shake at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple Drabble.

Dee and Ryo had completely forgotten it was their turn to host game night. The guys of the two-seven’s Serious Crimes Unit, along with Jim from the lab, had long since gotten into the habit of gathering together once a week to drink beer and watch sports. Ryo, being the most organised among them, had set up a rota to avoid confusion and arguments.

The previous week everyone available on the night had gone over to Ted’s place, but this week, despite being an avid sports fan, game night had slipped even Dee’s mind, all because of a small, brown dog.

Dick the dachshund had only been living with him and Ryo for a few days, and everyone involved was still getting used to the arrangement, so perhaps the memory lapse was understandable.

When someone knocked on the apartment door and Dee went to answer it, he found five people standing in the hallway, clutching sixpacks of beer, and several pizza boxes.

“Hey, you skipped out before anyone could ask if we were still on for tonight.” Ted grinned cheerfully, sidling past his friend, not waiting to be invited in. The others followed.

“Uh…” Dee floundered a bit, but before he could get his brain in gear, JJ spotted something.

“Oh! You’ve got a puppy, he’s so adorable!” He crouched down. “Come here, doggy!”

Dick trotted over to investigate the newcomers, tail wagging a cautious greeting, so Dee quickly closed the door and detoured around his unexpected visitors to reach the dog.

“Sorry, completely forgot it was our turn, ‘cause of the mutt. He’s not ours, just a loaner. We’re lookin’ after him while his owner’s in the hospital.”

Taking his cue from Dee, who obviously knew the people, Dick sat on his temporary owner’s foot and offered a paw to shake.

JJ solemnly shook it. “How clever! Did you teach him that?”

“Nah, he came with that program already installed. He’s pretty smart for a dog though.”

“What’s his name?” Jim asked, taking his turn to shake the small brown paw.

Dee thought fast. “Uh, Duke.” He threw Ryo a look, begging his partner not to correct him.

Ryo just smiled as the rest of their friends shook Dick’s paw.

“No feeding him pizza, no matter how much he begs. It wouldn’t be good for him.”

It looked like the dog would be getting more attention than the game.

The End

fic, fake fic, dick the dog, ted o'neill, ryo maclean, jj adams, dee laytner, fake, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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