Drabble: Worrying Behaviour

Mar 16, 2014 17:20

Title: Worrying Behaviour

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Owen, Jack, Nosy. Mentions Ianto

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 310 - Caffeine at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Nosy is exhibiting strange behaviour, worrying Owen

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Worrying Behaviour... )

fic, owen harper, jack harkness, ianto jones, humour, torchwood fic, tw100, nosy-verse, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 22

milady_dragon March 16 2014, 18:36:43 UTC
Poor Nosy, not having his giddy up juice yet...

The idea of the Fluff just laid out like that, looking so pitiful, it's just so sad...

No, not really. LOL!


badly_knitted March 16 2014, 20:48:50 UTC
I know, it's pathetic, but I can't help giggling, lol! It needs re-fuelling.

Thank you!


lexxiescott March 16 2014, 18:55:55 UTC
Poor Nosy. *snickers*


badly_knitted March 16 2014, 20:45:48 UTC
It's de-caffeinated!

Thank you!


akawho March 16 2014, 23:18:07 UTC
LOL! Just got caught up on your fics (finally). Sorry for not commenting on the others but I knew I'd never get through them all if I did. LOVE your fics!!


badly_knitted March 16 2014, 23:38:47 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed them! I had to post two a day the past couple of days just in case the next prompt goes up early like last weeks did - it was a bit of a juggling act, but I succeeded!


owensheart March 17 2014, 11:41:51 UTC
Oh poor Nosy LOL yep I know I need my Caffeine fix in the morning.

Great drabble.


badly_knitted March 17 2014, 11:46:04 UTC
Nosy is a sorry sight, but it'll soon be back to normal after a nice cup of coffee.

Thank you!


timelordshines March 17 2014, 14:12:05 UTC
Aww poor nosy!
So cute :-)


badly_knitted March 17 2014, 15:21:28 UTC
*grins* Thank you!

Yeah, poor old Fluff, can't move before it has coffee, too tired and out of puff.


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