Fic: Magic Medicine

Nov 08, 2021 17:55

Title: Magic Medicine
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Meriel, Ianto, Nosy, Owen.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1260
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Meriel is poorly, but her Taddy has got her some magic medicine from Uncle Owen…
Written For: Challenge 332: Medicine at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Meriel wasn’t at school today, and she hadn’t even wanted to get out of bed this morning, which was very unusual for her. She loved school, and usually when she woke up in the morning she wouldn’t stay in bed even when her Daddy and Taddy wanted to have a lie-in, but right now her bed was the only place she wanted to be. She told her Taddy she was cold, and everything hurt, even her hair, and her nose was all drippy, so he took her temperature with a thermy-thingy and said she had a fever.

“What’s that, Taddy?”

“It’s when you’re hotter than you should be because there are nasty little germs inside you making you poorly, and your body is trying to make them go away.”

“But I feel cold, not hot.” She shivered and huddled down under the covers.

“I know, sweetheart.” Taddy stroked her hair and it felt nice; his hand was gentle and cool. Taddy was always nice, except when he was cross, but he was hardly ever cross with her, unless she’d been naughty, and she tried very hard not to be naughty.

“I don’t like this. Make it go away, please?” Taddy knew everything; her Daddy said so. Surely if anyone could fix this it would be him.

“I’ll call Uncle Owen and see if he can give you some medicine to make you feel better. I’ll be right back.”

A little while later Uncle Owen came to see her. By now Meriel was hot and had thrown her covers off, which made it easier for him to examine her. He listened to her heart, and then he put his ear thing with the big name that she couldn’t remember right now against her back and listened to her breathe. He stuck another thing in her ear to find out exactly how hot she was, although she wasn’t sure how that worked; her head hurt too much for her to even try to figure it out. Maybe it hurt because her brain was too hot; she’d burned her finger on something hot once and that had hurt a lot too.

Lying on her bed, Meriel tried not to think of anything at all because she didn’t want to make her brain have to work while it was so hot. Uncle Owen was talking to Taddy, right there in her room, but she felt too tired to listen. Even her eyes ached, so she shut them. Then she went cold again and wanted to pull her covers up, but she couldn’t reach them without moving, and she was too tired to do anything at all. It was okay though, because Nosy knew what she wanted and pulled them up for her, tucking them around her and slithering onto the bed with her, adding its own warmth. She should have said thank you, Taddy always told her it was important to be polite, but she didn’t have the energy. Nosy hummed at her softly, and she knew her furry friend understood she wasn’t being rude on purpose.

When Meriel opened her eyes again, Uncle Owen was gone, but Taddy was still there, sitting on the edge of her bed.

“How do you feel, sweetheart?” he asked, stroking her hair again.

“Horrible, Taddy. I’m tired, and hot, and cold, and everything hurts.”

“Uncle Owen says you have the flu, you must have caught it from one of your friends at school, but he’s given me some special magic medicine to help you feel better. I’m to give you a spoonful every six hours, but you’ll need to sit up to take it.”

Taddy helped her to sit up and piled her pillows so she could lean against them. Then he picked up the bottle and poured some thick, sticky stuff into a spoon. It looked horrible, it was a nasty brown colour, and even though Meriel couldn’t smell very well at the moment, it looked like it smelled awful too. She didn’t even want to think about how it would taste.

“Open wide.”

“I don’t want it, Taddy.” Meriel shut her mouth firmly.

“Come on, sweetheart, it’ll help you get better. Isn’t that what you want?” Taddy moved the spoon closer to her mouth.

“No!” Meriel shoved her Taddy’s arm away and the horrible sticky stuff spilled from the spoon, dripping right on Nosy, who was still lying beside her on the bed. Oh dear! She really hadn’t meant for that to happen.

“Oh Meriel, now that was naughty.” Taddy didn’t sound angry, not really, just disappointed in her, which was almost worse. Meriel felt guilty because he was only trying to help her, like she’d asked him to, and she was being horrible. She should probably tell him she was sorry…

Then she forgot all about apologising as Nosy huffed in surprise, then licked the sticky stuff off its fur before Taddy could do anything to stop it. “HUM!” it said enthusiastically, licking its lips and looking hopefully at the open bottle in her Taddy’s hand.

Meriel frowned, but it made her head hurt worse, so she stopped. That wasn’t the hum Nosy made when it tasted or smelled something nasty; it was a happy hum, like when she gave it a sweetie. Nosy liked her medicine!

What was it her Taddy always told her when she turned up her nose at something? Don’t judge a book by its cover; that was it. She’d asked him what it meant, and he’d said that you couldn’t always go by how something looked and that she wouldn’t know whether or not she liked something until she tried it. Maybe the medicine wasn’t as nasty as it looked, and besides, it was supposed to take away the horribleness she was feeling, so even if it wasn’t vey nice, maybe it would be worth drinking it anyway.

“Taddy? I think I will have some of Uncle Owen’s medicine after all.”

“That’s a good girl.” Now Taddy was smiling proudly at her as he filled the spoon again and offered it to her.

Obediently she opened her mouth for it, ready to screw up her face and shudder if the medicine didn’t taste nice, but as she swallowed it, she licked her lips instead, just the way Nosy had. The medicine tasted sweet and sort of fruity, and it made her tummy all warm inside.

“It’s quite nice!”

“That’s good to hear. Now, you just stay there in bed and rest, sleep if you can. Is there anything you want?”

“Can I have some juice please, Taddy?”

“Of course you can. And maybe later on, if you’re feeling a bit better, the three of us can watch movies in the lounge. I could make up a bed for you on the sofa.”

“Maybe,” Meriel agreed, although right now that sounded like too much work. Her hot brain was tired just from talking to her Taddy. Yawning, she closed her eyes, not feeling like she had the strength for anything else. She felt her Taddy kiss her forehead.

“I’ll get your juice.”

“Thank you, Taddy.” The sticky stuff must be working because already she didn’t think she hurt quite so much and the warm glow in her tummy was spreading through every bit of her, right down into the tips of her toes. Perhaps it really was magic. With Uncle Owen’s medicine doing good things inside her, and Taddy and Nosy looking after her, Meriel was sure she’d soon feel much better. Maybe tomorrow she could go back to school…

The End

fic, jack/ianto, meriel, owen harper, nosy, ianto jones, torchwood fic, nosy-verse, fan_flashworks, fic: g

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