Title: Easily Identifiable
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Tosh.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 676: Toy at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: For once the Rift has dropped off an item that’s easy to identify.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Many things that fell through the Rift were difficult, even impossible, to identify just by looking at them. Sometimes it took Tosh weeks of study to even come up with a working theory of what something might have been designed to do, even if she couldn’t explain why anyone would want to design something with such a purpose. The device that turned everything it touched to glass was one such item; the only things not affected were those that were already glass. Aliens were weird.
That was why it was such a refreshing change to get something that could be immediately identified.
“It’s a cuddly toy!”
Ianto nodded. “That’s the conclusion Jack and I came to. Bigger than we’re used to though; you can imagine the looks we got carrying it back to the SUV.
Tosh couldn’t help giggling at the mental image of Jack and Ianto lugging an eight-foot-tall plush creature through Cardiff on a bright, sunny afternoon.
The thing was vaguely humanoid, with a head and body, but only one eye above a rhinoceros-like horn, three legs, and tentacles for arms.
Ianto studied it. “If it’s to scale, I wouldn’t want to meet the child it belongs to.”
The End