Title: Too Afraid
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Canvassing for witnesses in an area where most people are undocumented immigrants is a hopeless task.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Devil’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
“I hate this,” Dee muttered as they made their way down the stoop of one building, before moving on to the next.
“Me too,” Ryo agreed.
He and Dee were going door-to-door, hoping to find witnessers to a brutal murder that had taken place the night before, but even when someone actually came to the door of one of the shabby apartments in the rundown tenements, the moment the two detectives identified themselves as police, they saw the fear and dread in people’s eyes. They might as well have said they were the devil incarnate, come to steal their souls.
Neither man blamed the residents of this slum; most of them were undocumented immigrants, struggling to make some kind of life for themselves in the land of the free, having come to America from places where the police and the devil were practically synonymous. They were understandably terrified they might be sent back to whatever hell they’d escaped from, and although both Dee and Ryo did their best to reassure everybody they spoke to that they weren’t from immigration, it was hardly surprising that they weren’t believed.
“These people deserve better, they shouldn’t haveta live like this, trapped in slums, always terrified.”
Ryo sighed. “You don’t have to convince me. Some of these people probably knew the victim, maybe even know who killed him, but they’ll never come forward because it could cost them what little they have.”
“Wish we could do somethin’ to help them.”
So did Ryo, but their hands were tied. They were homicide detectives, not social workers; they had no resources, no way of helping anyone acquire the documentation they needed to become American citizens.
All they were authorised to do was catch a murderer, if they could. Some days police work could be thoroughly demoralising.
The End