Title: Backseat Driver
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Ianto.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 668: Slow at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Seems like Jack’s never happy with Ianto’s driving.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
“You always drive too slow,” Jack grumbled as Ianto steered the SUV through the late evening traffic, heading back to the Hub after a Rift retrieval.
“I’m not driving too slow, I’m just obeying the speed limit,” Ianto corrected. The item they’d collected was perfectly harmless so there was no hurry to get it back to the Hub. “I don’t mind the occasional speeding ticket when we’re dealing with a dangerous situation, Kathy is always willing to fix them for us as long as we have a valid reason for exceeding the limit, but I’m not breaking the law just because you’re always in a hurry.”
The following day there was a life-or-death emergency and Ianto was driving again. This time he put his foot down, weaving in and out of traffic on the East Bay Link Road, on their way to Wern-Goch Park to capture a newly arrived Hoix.
As Ianto undercut a lorry and whipped back into his lane, Jack clung to the seat.
“Slow down!”
“Last night you said I was driving too slow, and now I’m going too fast? Make up your mind! I thought you liked going fast!”
“Only when I’m the one driving.”
The End