FAKE Ficlet: Priorities

Jul 08, 2021 17:20

Title: Priorities
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, OCs.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Ryo is injured but his leg seems to be the least of his worries.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Challenge 196: Needle at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters.

Looking at Ryo’s leg, Dee winched. “Sheesh, what a mess!” He hadn’t been able to get a clear look at his lover’s injury earlier, but as he’d suspected, it was going to need stitches.

Ryo sighed ruefully as he studied the gaping tear in the leg of his cargo pants. “I know, and I really liked these pants.”

That drew a snort of barely suppressed laughter from Dee. “I was talkin’ about your leg, not your pants!”

“Oh.” Ryo half shrugged. “Well, my leg will heal; my pants won’t. A few stitches and I’ll be good as new, but not even a needle and thread’s gonna fix that tear. It would take a miracle.”

“Sometimes I worry about you.”

Glancing up at his partner, Ryo grinned. “Only sometimes?”

“Your priorities are all skewed.”

“No they’re not, I just hate having my clothes ruined. Don’t you?”

“Yeah, but rather them than me. Look at that cut! Gotta be three inches!”

Ryo looked; it was still bleeding, although not heavily, the edges already clotting. “I’ve had worse.”

“SO not the point!”

The curtain was swept aside as a doctor sailed in, checking the paperwork in his hand. “Detective Maclean?”

“That would be me.”

“Right, let’s take a look at your leg, shall we? Can you tell me what happened?”

“We were making an arrest and the suspect pulled a knife.”

The doctor bent over the wound. “Nasty! It’s a clean cut though, should be easy enough to stitch. Any other injuries? Did you hit your head or anything?”

“Nah, he didn’t even fall, just punched out the guy with the knife.” Dee was smirking. “He’s a whole lot tougher than he looks. More worried about his pants than his leg.”


“Well y’are!”

“On our salaries, who can afford to keep replacing ruined clothes? You know we never get reimbursed.”

“Right then, a nurse will be with you shortly to stitch that up, but you’ll need to keep your weight off that leg for a few days, so you don’t pop the stitches.” The doctor breezed out again.

“Guess that means you’ll be stuck on desk duty.” Dee perched on the edge of the gurney. “That better not mean I haveta work with JJ. Maybe I could swipe one of these suture kits and sew his mouth shut so I don’t haveta listen to him.”

“I didn’t think you even knew how to thread a needle. Every time you lose a button, I’m the one sews it back on.”

“You’re better at it than me. I do your home repairs; you do my sewin’. Fair exchange.”

The nurse arrived and got to work, cutting the leg of Ryo’s pants from ankle to thigh, then jabbing a needle into his leg, injecting small amounts of local anaesthetic around the wound before cleaning it. Dee watched curiously a few minutes later as she inserted a row of neat sutures.

Ryo mourned his pants. “No saving them now.”

“At least you’ve still got your leg.”

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, ficlet, other character/s, fic: pg

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