FAKE Ficlet: Baby I'm Amazed

May 21, 2021 18:12

Title: Baby I'm Amazed
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee finds everything about Ryo amazing, much to Ryo’s surprise.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 613: Amaze at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Dee lay on his side, admiring the man he loved. “You never cease to amaze me,” he murmured drowsily. It wasn’t the first time he’d told Ryo that, but it was the truth, so it bore repeating.

“It must not take much to amaze you then,” Ryo replied, sprawled limply on the bed beside him.

“Quit puttin’ yourself down like that!”

Turning his head, Ryo peered at Dee through the dimness; the only illumination was from the lamp on the far side of the bed, meaning that Dee’s face was mostly in shadow, his expression hard to make out.

“I wasn’t.” Ryo frowned. “Was I?”

“You tell me. I compliment you, and you shrug it off like you think you don’t deserve it.”

“Well, you keep trying to make out I’m something special, when really I’m just an ordinary guy.”

“You’ve never been ordinary to me, babe. If I treat ya like someone special, it’s because to me you are. Isn’t that what love is, when you find someone who means more to you than anyone else ever could?”

“I suppose it is, I’ve just never thought of myself that way.”

“Which is one of the many things that amaze me about you. Unlike most of the guys I’ve known, you don’t blow your own horn.”

“Is that a sex thing?”

Dee burst out laughing. “No, you doofus! I just mean you don’t brag about yourself. I do it, most guys do, but you don’t. You show people what you can do instead of just talkin’ about how great you are.”

“Oh. So what makes me amazing tonight?” Ryo rolled over onto his side so he was facing Dee.

“Pretty much everything. Still can’t believe you’re finally mine, that I get to be with you, not just at work or as friends, but like this, as lovers.” They’d only been together for three months.

A faint blush stained Ryo’s cheeks. “I know I’m not great in bed, there’s so much I still don’t know…” He trailed off as Dee shook his head.

“You’re amazin’, because I’m crazy about you. Sex isn’t like your martial arts, with set moves and techniques, there’s no right or wrong way of doin’ it. Long as it feels good you’re doin’ it right, and I’ve got no complaints. Bein’ with you feels better than good, it feels…”

“I know, amazing.”

“Yep! Only question is whether it’s good for you too.”

“It is. I mean, I still think it’s weird and embarrassing, and most of the time I feel like I should be doing something, I just don’t know what, but you make it feel really good.”

“That’s the most important part.” Dee leaned in, brushing his lips lightly against Ryo’s, then deepening the kiss, one hand sliding down his lover’s side, over his hip, around to his ass, pulling Ryo against him. “Mm, you feel so good!”


“Whaddaya say, babe, are ya ready to be amazin’ again?”

“You’re insatiable!”

But he didn’t say ‘no’.

The End

fic, fake fic, slashthedrabble, fic: pg-13, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake

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