Dec 25, 2020 19:44

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my F-List! This has been a tough year for all of us, but we're still here, and I want to send you all virtual hugs. *squishes ( Read more... )

holiday greetings, real life

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m_findlow December 25 2020, 22:26:51 UTC

Wishing you a Merry Christmas too! Happy to help out on the beta front. I haven't even started on mine yet, let alone wrangled a beta - just so many other things on my plate. :)


badly_knitted December 25 2020, 22:50:58 UTC
That would be great if you can spare the time! I've got one just under 600 words and another just under 2500, but they just need a general spelling and grammar look over. Do I have your email address? Head like a sieve and I don't remember.

Noticed you've been posting a lot recently, I just haven't had time for reading but I'll get around to it eventually.

Hope you and yours had a good Christmas!


m_findlow December 25 2020, 23:38:19 UTC

No trouble at all. Send them through to mfindlow27@gmail.com ( ... )


badly_knitted December 26 2020, 13:39:16 UTC
Just sent them to you, thanks so much for helping out despite your own writing commitments!

Wow, that's a HUGE undertaking, good luck with finishing them. 100k is really going to bump up your word count for the year. I thought I was doing well, but you leave me in the dust *grins* Right from the start you've inspired me!

Glad your Christmas has been good, and that your area is pretty safe now, but yes, getting back to any kind of normality will be tough. A few months ago my area had one of the lowest new case rates in the country, but now it's one of the worst. Our government did too little too late and we're all paying the price, plus there are too many stupid people about.

Thanks again. Stay safe and well!


m_findlow December 27 2020, 01:10:14 UTC

I don't know what I was thinking when I picked up the Bingo card in July. I think I must have been worried I wouldn't meet my pledge. Then Spook_me came along and that turned into a 50k story, so I spent 7 weeks pulling that together and in November thought, how am I going to finish this card having not touched it for a two months? But I stuck to my 15 prompts per month (somehow??) and now I've only got 2 to go. I might need some beta assistance myself.
I imagine Christmas was pretty quiet at yours? Have you seen you sister since lockdown?


badly_knitted December 27 2020, 01:45:21 UTC
Well, I'm pretty sure you must be past your goal by now! *grins*

I feel terrible that I have fics to beta for two people but between the lack of heat and trying to adjust to this new mini laptop and Windows 10 I haven't even started the first of the three fics. The two ladies are very understanding but I'd like to get at least one done and sent back before the end of the year. Everything's just piled up on me the last couple of months, and being without heat for over a month now is no fun at all.

Christmas was me, on my own, doing the same things I do every day while trying to keep warm. There was just a bit more TV involved. I've spoken to my sister on the phone, but she works in a hospital, so does my niece, and they're 50 miles away, sensibly not traveling out of the town she lives in. Haven't seen her in nearly 2 years. Not that I mind, we've never been all that close. Occasional phone calls are enough.


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