Drabble: Winter Fun

Jan 02, 2014 20:28

Title: Winter Fun

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, Ianto

Rating: G

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: The boys sneak out of work to enjoy themselves.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: For jsks. Prompt at the end.

Winter Fun... )

fic, jack/ianto, torchwood fic, jack harkness, drabble, ianto jones, fic: g

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Comments 20

jedi_harkness January 2 2014, 21:17:52 UTC
Aww, that was cute! <3


badly_knitted January 2 2014, 21:28:53 UTC
Thank you! I'm getting some great prompts off my friends and I'm writing as many of them as I can. I need all the prompts I can get if I'm to post 250 drabbles this year. I think this is the last Christmassy/wintery one I've got written at the moment, but I still have plenty more to post =)


too_beauty January 3 2014, 01:52:00 UTC
awww being a child is good for the heart!
loved it!


badly_knitted January 3 2014, 11:51:12 UTC
It really is, especially for a couple of immortals! They need to have fun!

Thank you!


asia27 January 3 2014, 07:57:47 UTC
this was lovely; it seems Ianto was introducing Jack to sledding and both of them were like two kids :D

Now THIS was a word painting...


badly_knitted January 3 2014, 11:54:22 UTC
Thank you!

There was no snow where Jack came from, so no sledding, and he was adult when he came to earth. He never knew what he was missing until Ianto showed him. They deserrve to have some light-hearted fun and as adults, they can go sledding at night and have the park to themselves, no noisy kids getting in the way!


neverminetohold January 3 2014, 10:39:05 UTC
That's lovely! Those two are so cute *hearts*

And of course sledding is not only for kids - it's just the lack of snow that's stopping me XD


badly_knitted January 3 2014, 11:57:15 UTC
No snow, no sled and an aversion to cold is stopping me, lol! Plus there are no hills nearby either.

It's great for the boys because they can go sledding at night when they have the slopes all to themselves, they don't have to share with anyone =)

Thank you!


owensheart January 3 2014, 12:44:15 UTC
Its for big kids too lol.

great drabble.


badly_knitted January 3 2014, 13:24:50 UTC
And there's no bigger kid anywhere than Jack! He's helping Ianto remember how to have fun.

Thank you!


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