BtVS Double Drabble: Gone

Aug 26, 2020 17:08

Title: Gone
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Joyce, Buffy.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 046: Mind at doubledrabbles.
Spoilers/Setting: Becoming Part 2.
Summary: Buffy has run away and all Joyce wants is for her daughter to come home.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Joss Whedon.
A/N: Double drabble ( Read more... )

fic, buffy summers, doubledrabbles, btvs, joyce summers, buffy fic, drabble, fic: pg

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cynthia2015 August 27 2020, 09:54:49 UTC
Joyce: Have you tried not being a slayer?

Joyce was an awesome mother.


badly_knitted August 27 2020, 17:29:42 UTC
She was, but she made mistakes.

Thank you!


cynthia2015 August 28 2020, 09:40:35 UTC
Oh yeah. She tried, which was more than Buffy's father ever did. Parents have to be firm but fair. But most importantly be there for their kids.

Joyce: Have we met?
Spike: You hit me with an axe one time, remember? "Get the hell away from my daughter"


badly_knitted August 28 2020, 09:54:46 UTC
Buffy spent the summer with her dad between seasons one and two, he wasn't a bad father. He tried.

I loved that scene.


cynthia2015 August 28 2020, 11:12:59 UTC
Well, it did start out that way. But that changed shortly after the appearance of Dawn. Not that its her fault. The writing went in that direction.

"During Joyce's sickness and following death, Buffy tried to contact Hank leaving "messages all over the place," with no response; at the time, the last she'd heard from him was that he was in Spain with his secretary. After her resurrection, Buffy described Hank as a "shiftless and absentee father".

Dawn: I feel safe with you.
Spike: Take that back!

It was such an amusing scene. Along with the other scenes when he was protecting the "Summer" family. In stead of being a threat towards Buffy.


badly_knitted August 28 2020, 18:00:19 UTC
Well, I think the character wouldn't have worked too well with Dawn around. He wouldn't have 'remembered' her.

Spike was a fun character anyway.


cynthia2015 August 29 2020, 09:11:10 UTC
My memory is quite vague on this one. So vague that I get a refresher from listening to video reviews. They can be quite philosophical.

I think Dawn didn't notified her father that Buffy had "died" because she didn't want to be taken away from everyone else. This is after Joyce had passed away. I wish there had been a reason for why Hank didn't acknowledge his ex-wife's death. Instead we had Angel consoling Buffy.

Michelle Trachtenberg had lines which consisted of filing in the blanks because Dawn's character came out of no where. Like rewriting history. Which is more complicated than say Paige on "Charmed".


badly_knitted August 29 2020, 09:40:38 UTC
It was probably something as simple as the actor not being available. Anyway, I liked Angel coming to comfort Buffy.

Dawn's character had to re-educate the audience. The audience went WHAT? when she first showed up!


cynthia2015 August 29 2020, 10:39:35 UTC
Angel to Buffy: I ain't getting any older.

Yeah. Sometimes they don't want to recast a character. It's when Buffy started to lean on Giles as a father figure.

Felicity Smoak: I hate mysteries. They bug me. They need to be solved.

We all felt out of the loop. Learning at the same time as Buffy. I was glad when Dawn was no longer "The Key".


badly_knitted August 29 2020, 19:07:59 UTC
Recasting is hard, you don't want to disrespect your fans. Giles made a good father figure, plus he was there for her.

That's what mysteries are for, right?

Dawn turned everything upside down.


cynthia2015 August 30 2020, 09:46:25 UTC
So hard that if the decision is made, the character can change personality altogether. For example, Victor Bennett on Charmed.

Buffy: I-if someone were free, they'd take their daughters or their student... or their Slayer. (looks up at Giles hopefully)

When her dad cancelled their plans for the ice show due to work, she asked Giles. Instead of taking up on her mums offer to go together.

Rick Castle: Don't ruin my story with your logic.

Like Kate Beckett would say: I'm a fan of the genre, but its the storytelling that counts.*looks at the show "Lost" with shifty eyes*

Eleven Doctor: What are you, eh? Are you a trick, a trap?
Clara: I don't know what you're talking about!

Me: What are you up to Moffat?

Dawn Summers (writing in her diary/voiceover): She, (Buffy) still thinks I'm little miss nobody, just her dumb little sister. Boy, is she in for a surprise.

Dawn didn't know she was "the key" at that point, so why did she say that? Exaggerated teenage angst perhaps?


badly_knitted August 30 2020, 10:07:45 UTC
Poor Buff. Sometimes little girls, or even bigger girls, just want their dads, or if not, then a surrogate.

I actually loved Lost, although I only saw the first three series. Sometimes we just have to hope the producers and showrunners and scriptwriters know what they're doing.

I think it must have just been teen angst. What kid sister doesn't think 'I'll show you' when older siblings are dismissive?


cynthia2015 August 30 2020, 11:28:35 UTC
It's nice to have a mentor/friend you can depend on. Buffy was lucky she had Giles. Who was always overprotective of her and tried to do what's best for her ( ... )


badly_knitted August 30 2020, 18:37:41 UTC
I loved Alias, very well done. I keep meaning to do a re-watch, but I have so many things to re-watch. I'd also like to watch Lost all the way through. I remember being glued to the pilot.

Continuity errors do happen, even when the writers are being careful. Dawn was quite an immature teen to start with.


cynthia2015 August 31 2020, 11:01:24 UTC
Sydney: My days of blindly following orders are over.

I lost count of how many languages Sydney is fluent in. Clever woman.:)

Lost was a big thing when it first premiered and eventually I got spoilers. It's also funny how they made Jin unable to speak English, and Sun (his wife) translate. When in real life, its the other way around.

Dawn:...oh, scary vampires. They die from a splinter.

On first watch, it can be overlooked. I think they made Dawn go through a kleptomaniac phase just to fill in time.


badly_knitted August 31 2020, 19:13:47 UTC
She was brilliant!

Dawn was acting out for attention I think. Her mom was dead, Buffy was always busy... I loved that it was Xander who made the wish that set everyone singing though.


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