Still Washing Stuffies...

Apr 23, 2020 19:49

So, I've been washing more stuffies - big surprise there - so here are some more pics showing stuffies and behind the first one you can see what I've been doing in the garden. Compare it to the last lot of pics for the 'before' shot ( Read more... )

o.o, garden, real life, weirdness

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Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 3 2020, 19:38:59 UTC
Oh Wow! Glad you had extra clothes and your Mom's clothes. I can't imagine us not washing clothes at least once a week. With Alex, he messes up so many clothes and now being locked in, he ate too much, snacked a lot, so have I. He has put on weight. He looks ok, he is still growing, but went from a 32 waist to a almost 37 waist in a month! None of his pants except sweat pants fit. None of his shorts except the one set I got Friday. He only likes Under Armour, but expensive and hard to find right now in sizes and colors he likes. He may have to wear something else or go naked. lol! :D My pants and shorts are a little tight. I am wearing my fat shorts too..haha! I have to get back to some exercising and try to reduce calories a little. Not easy.

Oh good was worried you had no way to contact people. Glad you have a landline.

Oh I just now have had no choice but to have Windows 10 put on our computers Michael made. His friend Jonathon is so nice, he put it on our computers, of course laptop came with Windows 10. I am getting used to it, but I still have to hunt for things and it is annoying. Jonathon said Windows no longer supports Windows 7 and I would get viruses so we had to update. I waited as long as I could. I loved Windows 7. Have you tried Chrome or some other browser? A lot of people are using Chrome over IE now or does that not work with what you are doing? I am sorry about the changes, I wish they would just leave things alone sometimes. Some "improvements" are not always good.

hugs to you*


Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 4 2020, 09:54:01 UTC
Yes, it's really lucky, I can go a month without doing laundry if I have to. With only me I usually wait until I have enough for a washer load anyway, otherwise it's a waste of electricity.

I expect a lot of people are putting on weight through stress snacking. Maybe put on music and dance around for exercise when you're doing chores *grins* I would but I don't have
the energy.

I have good antivirus programme on my computer so the lack of one through windows doesn't matter. I do use google chrome too, but that doesn't allow downloading ass text files either, and I have to format posting for my stories in internet explorer then copy and paste into google chrome for posting because chrome screws up formatting, removes the line spacing and makes the text tiny.

Improvements never take into account the things people might want to keep on using. They're not suitable for everyone. I hate being forced to change the way I do things.


Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 4 2020, 22:23:00 UTC
Oh that does sound terrible. You sound a bit like Michael, you know some of this computer geek stuff. I don't even know what ass text files are? I still have my notes on how to insert a video or pictures here. This site I think was made for geek people, probably why most went to FB where everything is easy to do share files, pictures, etc. I think they made it more user friendly here now, but I still like to go back and do it the hard way for fun. I am not a geek though. That was Michael's job. His friend Jonathon is nice enough to help us when a computer or printer has problems or stops working. I wish I knew how to do all that stuff.

Yeah would be easier on people if they just left stuff alone. We live in the age of constantly evolving technology. My TV's and DVD player is way old and now they are saying everything is going to these 4K TV's and DVD players. Sound and picture quality is suppose to be amazing and when we got our LCD TV's I thought that was the best we would have for a long time. Well I guess it was, but after Michael died things started changing again and he is not here to help me buy new stuff and hook it up. We will be forced to or have to use adapters on our stuff eventually. I am tired of re-buying my movies! Enough with all this change! haha! We re-bought a lot of movies when Bluray came out and now I see 4K movies at the stores. Oh no! In 10 or 20 years they will have something even better again, I guarantee it!

Oh yeah, yeah before the home schooling I was exercising every day, watching my food intake and yeah I was dancing. I got me a boom box not long ago and play CD's on it and would dance. Great way to burn calories that is more fun than running in place and exercising alone.


Deb. <3


Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 5 2020, 10:28:41 UTC
I've learned how to do a few things, but there's an awful lot I don't know. I'm no computer expert. LJ keeps things fairly simple, but they keep changing things and I don't handle change well. I panic when something looks different.

A text file is just what it says, just plain writing like this is. Nowadays you have to download whole pages exactly as they appear on the screen and the files would take up a lot more memory on the computer.

I never bothered switching to bluray. My DVDs are fine, I only have a small TV anyway. As long as it woks that's good enough. I can't afford to replace stuff all the time.

Maybe you and Alex could have a daily dance-a-thon after schoolwork, a bit of fun to look forward to even it's just for 10 minutes. Sake of the stress of teaching and learning.


Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 6 2020, 03:02:27 UTC
I don't like change either. Sorry they keep making it hard for you.

Oh I know bluray costs a lot, I wouldn't have what I have if it wasn't for Michael. I could slowly afford to upgrade this, but I need help hooking up electronics. I am just no good at it. Michael had his own system and didn't want me messing with the big TV in the front room. Bad idea because he is gone and no one has been able to figure out how to make the speakers he bought work except through the DVD player. There are some small speakers that work through the TV that are fine, but I watched stuff with him where he had surround sound and all this cool stuff that I miss. Now it is all out of date so I need to buy new stuff and set up my own system that I know how to work with help. Right now just not worrying too much about it.

Oh Alex has a bad sore throat tonight. Going to call his doctor in the morning, see if she wants him to come in for a strep and regular flu test. I know there is a place to check for Coronavirus, will ask her about it if other tests are negative. Of course you can test for strep too soon and it show negative when it is positive, but I am scared. Alex would not wear a mask when we have gone out. He has mild asthma and pollen allergies so I am worried what might happen if he has it and I don't want it either. I had something a month ago with a fever, took antibiotics and finally got over it. Have no idea what I had though. My dumb doctor didn't have a regular flu test even. They checked me for Strep, but I did not have it.

I will let you know what I find out.



Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 6 2020, 09:45:04 UTC
If what you've got is good enough for now you may as well stick with it a while longer, because as soon as you upgrade something else new will come along. Now isn't the bet time for trying to upgrade tech anyway. I was going to get a new vacuum cleaner before all this started, but now I'll have to wait a bit longer =/

*Hugs Alex* *hugs you* Hope it's just strep throat, nasty a that can be. The virus is usually a fever and cough, I haven't heard of a sore throat being involved. There are so many other viruses about as well, all the time. See what the Doctor has to say and try not to worry.

Thinking of you both!


Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 7 2020, 02:17:57 UTC
Yeah you are right. The stores are opening up slowly here, but just not a good time to upgrade and again I would need help from someone or have to pay someone to show me how everything is hooked up and how to work it. I think the 4K is where it is going for now. I was going to get a LED TV. My parents have one, beautiful picture. Mine is LCD, really good, I had no idea they had come out with the LED and now 4K is the upcoming TV, suppose to be like you are in the show or movie or 3D like, it is amazing. I just want to get caught up and stay there. The LCD and bluray stayed a pretty long time and 4k movies are still way more expensive than bluray. When the prices come down it will take over and I will probably have to upgrade. Wish I could meet a great guy like my Michael who was good at this stuff, someone my age.

Alex doesn't have strep, but the doctor doesn't think it is likely Coronavirus, she thinks just a regular virus, I will keep a watch on his temperature, but he actually is a little better tonight already. He has some congestion which was probably causing the sore throat. Thank you for caring about us! <3 I think he is fine. We care about you too. He asked about you sometimes. Who was that girl that sent me the crystals? I think that is what they are called. My mind is going on me.


Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 7 2020, 09:41:40 UTC
Sometimes it's worth waiting until the price comes down. Everything is so expensive these days. I have an LED TV but it's a smallish one, there's not enough room in my bedroom, where I spend mot of my time, for anything bigger. There's a big TV in the lounge but I don't sit down there because of problems with the coal fire. I don't want to be breathing fumes all day long.

Well, that's good! I'm sure he'll be fine in a few days but it was best to check him out and be sure.

Yes, crystals. I still use mine all the time. =)


Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 8 2020, 03:55:22 UTC
Oh you are so lucky to have a LED TV. The picture is so much better than the LCD TV's even though I like mine, I can tell a difference when I have watched the LED TV at my parent's house. Yeah the price of LED's are actually good, but 4K I think depending on the brand is really expensive. My Dad got a good price on one, but he is got a Samsung instead of a Sony. We have always thought Sony's were the best, but in 4K the Samsung is amazing.

You are like me. Now that Michael is gone I stay in my room with the smaller LCD TV and my laptop and sit on the bed. One day going to get too old for this. I have a desktop computer in my computer room, would be better to sit in a chair again, room is cluttered and I just want it cleaned up before I use it again. I can't believe I can procrastinate on things that seem too much and too hard to do. I know, take a corner at a time, can't clean the whole room in one day. My Dad tells me this all the time. We got the downstairs room back in great shape. My Dad even painted the walls. They ripped out moldy carpet and put in dehumidifier. I want to get the house ready to sell eventually. The neighborhood is getting terrible. I have sleep problems and the neighbors play loud rap music by my window sometimes and wake me up. Just not a good place to be anymore.

I do hope Alex doesn't have the virus. He has been out playing today and his throat is sore, but still no fever. I hope I don't get sick. I try to be careful and really disinfecting now that he is sick. My cat is in here with me, Turbo, you might remember him is 7 years old now. He is the only problem cat I have ever had. He will scratch and never had one like that, but he is getting better, he picked Michael as his favorite, but I think he has decided Alex and me are ok. He gets in my lap sometimes. He is getting fat. lol!

Oh sorry about the fumes. We have an air conditioning and heating unit. Gas heat, air conditioning all electric. I live in a place that get so hot in the summer, you have to have an air conditioner. We have a gas, fake fireplace, but I rarely use it. My air and heating unit is old though, have had it repaired several times, if I was going to stay here I would need to buy a new unit. It is around 21 years old and 20 years is about the life of them. I've never had coal fire, not even sure what it looks like. My Dad has a real fireplace in the Den he puts real wood on and it is nice. They have two story house though. We really are just one level and the add-on room down the back deck stairs that used to be Michael's computer room. It is empty now. I just need to do some cleaning and vacuuming when we start to sell the house. I am lazy. My depression makes it hard for me to do stuff. I feel guilty a lot.

Oh I love the crystals you sent us. They are calming to me for some reason.

Sorry this was long, I don't have an adult to talk to so I tend to run my mouth too much when I am talking or posting to someone around my age or to my family. Guess that is it. May post tonight. Tired though. Things are hard...were hard before the virus and now worse. Sorry, I should be more optimistic. I get in moods. I hope you are making it and are in good spirits.




Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 8 2020, 09:55:36 UTC
I'm battling on as best I can, but life is tougher and scarier than usual right now.

I have a computer desk and chair in my room and I sit there, which is where I am now. My room is cramped but it's the warmest room in the house and gets the best light. it's also at the back of the house making it the quietest. it's been my room my entire life.

Hopefully you'll be able to move somewhere better before too much longer.

As long as Alex is feeling well enough to play he can't be too bad. Sore throats are a nuisance but hopefully it will be gone soon.

We get much colder here in Britain than you do. Coal fires aren't much different from wood fires, but they're messy and a nuisance, and I wish I could have some other form of heating, but it's too expensive to make the switch. I have no heat at all over summer when the fire is out.

Crystals are very soothing, that's why I like them. They make me feel better. =)


Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 8 2020, 17:37:23 UTC
Hang in there. I know it is hard on everyone. I hate this new way of life and I hope it won't go on forever. I am back in a hole and it is so hard. Any negativity aimed at me feels impossible to deal with. I have gotten rid of most of my democrat friends on FB. If I get attacked here, I will get rid of them here too because I want to feel safe posting even if you are the only one that reads my stuff. There aren't people in the middle anymore in the US. You are either way to the right or way to the left. I think it is sad and I being a pessimist don't see America as getting any better. I know Britain must be different. I love England, never been there but know a British family that lives here and they are so sweet. You guys are so nice.


Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 9 2020, 09:57:20 UTC
We try to be nice, but we have our share of unpleasant people and our own worries and woes. What country doesn't?

We all had a great time at out social distancing street party last night, sitting in our drives with our drinks and food. I'm lucky to live on a street where there's still a great sense of community. Seeing people having a good time even though we had to keep our distance was good =)


Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 10 2020, 06:07:18 UTC
You are so lucky to have such nice neighbors. I am hoping and praying God will help us out of this place with cheap housing, duplexes. I didn't grow up with this kind of housing around me. We were so stupid to move into this house. I want to be back in a middle class nice, quiet neighborhood like I grew up in.


Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 10 2020, 10:09:12 UTC
I hope you'll find somewhere nicer to live *hugs*


Re: Love them! debmommy22 May 10 2020, 19:13:04 UTC
Thank you!

Hey I wrote you a private post asking for a picture of you. I was going to try to find out how to send one of me too. I keep wondering if I got it wrong when I made the Custom Group. I made one with you in it only, maybe I was suppose to put myself in it too. Not sure if you can see it or maybe it is only seen on the site and not email. Not sure how that works. I post at the site and not through the email. I have so many now afraid I will lose you that way. I just go to notifications here on the site. If you don't want to send a pic that is ok. I know you are a little thing. I remember you showed me a picture once a long time ago. Also, it confused me, I don't remember there being a Public and Private button on the Custom Groups page. I made it private thinking that way no one else but you and me could see it. Not sure you can see it. Geez! Still trying to re-learn how the site works.



Re: Love them! badly_knitted May 11 2020, 10:20:01 UTC
I keep everything public because I have no idea how any of it works, lol! I didn't see your post though =(

There a bad picture of me here with an owl.

It's from 4 years ago an only my glasses have changed. It's the only one I have online and the most recent pic of me that exists. I hate having my photo taken.


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