Drabble: Stormy Weather

Nov 28, 2013 13:36

Title: Stormy Weather

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto, mentions Jack and team

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 300 at tw100

Spoilers: Mild for End of Days.

Summary: Ianto prepares for another day without Jack.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: A second fill for the square Curtain/Purple

Stormy Weather... )

fic, jack harkness, ianto jones, team, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 22

owensheart November 28 2013, 14:51:38 UTC
I felt so sad For Ianto when Jack left he took it the hardest.

Great drabble.


badly_knitted November 28 2013, 15:46:34 UTC
He did, though I don't believe he fell apart and plunged into depression the way some people have written.

He misses Jack, but he's physically worn out from still doing his own job, plus fieldwork and most likely the majority of Jack's paperwork, phone calls etc. Gwen may have made herself leader but I doubt she has any idea what the role of leasder involves, and none of the team seem aware that Ianto was already doing more work every day than they were. They had their own tasks, Ianto did everything else. Now he's doing twice as much. I don't blame him for wishing he could go back to bed instead of going out into the storm to get to the Hub before everyone else.

Thank you.


tardisjournal November 28 2013, 15:04:28 UTC
Poor Ianto. What a terrible roller-coaster he was on with Jack at this time. First grief over Jack's "death", then elation when Jack revives and kisses him, and then *bam*, Jack's run off. No wonder Ianto doesn't want to get up and go to work anymore. He has only his sense of duty to fall back on.

Don't worry Ianto, it will get better!

Lovely job. :)


badly_knitted November 28 2013, 16:05:28 UTC
It's a difficult time for him. Like you say, there's the whole emotional rollercoaster aspect, but his workload has also doubled, so he's physically worn out too. He still has to do all his regular duties, but now he has to go into the field, which takes time away from his work in the Hub. He's probably also shouldering the bulk of Jack's job while Gwen pretends to be the leader. I can't see her doing Jack's paperwork or fielding phonecalls from other agencies and the government, she probably thinks that's the secretary's job anyway.

Thank you.


aviv_b November 28 2013, 17:37:13 UTC
Poor Ianto (wibble).


badly_knitted November 28 2013, 18:09:35 UTC
He'll be fine once Jack comes home.

Thank you.


akawho November 29 2013, 04:08:10 UTC
And Owen has the gall to call Ianto a "tea boy". He probably works harder than Gwen and Owen combined.


badly_knitted November 29 2013, 12:25:27 UTC
He probably does more work in a day than the rest of the team combined because he has so many jobs - Archivist, Handyman, Caterer, Cleaner, Zoo Keeper, Errand Boy, and now with Jack gone he's also a Field Agent and probably doing most of Jack's paperwork etc. It's no wonder he's so tired he just wants to go back to bed, but if he did that Torchwood would grind to a halt. And he knows it.

Thank you.


asia27 November 29 2013, 05:35:37 UTC
Admin Assistant/Zookeeper (human/non-human), unofficial Head of Torchwood. Jack, there's a bat with your name on it for running off and dumping everything on Ianto!
Gwen was no leader and wouldn't make a good secretary. How the hell did CoE lose the real second in command?! A really good Purple story...


badly_knitted November 29 2013, 12:32:59 UTC
Thank you.

I was just about to write one of the other drabbles when this idea popped into my head, probably due to the overcast skies outside my window.

Ianto wears so many different hats within Torchwood, it's obvious to viewers who really runs things. Gwen doesn't have the patience (or any tact) to be able to deal with phone calls from UNIT etc. and all the paperwork that a leader has to do. She's only interested in the power aspect of being in charge, giving orders and being obeyed. Trouble is, she doesn't have the knowledge and experience to handle things in the field and the rest of the team know their jobs better than she does around the Hub. Without Ianto, Torchwood would crumble. I refuse to accept the events of CoE as anything more than a bad dream.

Thamk you.


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