Drabble: Illegal Alien - Sequel to ‘Illusive Alien’

Nov 23, 2013 15:03

Title: Illegal Alien - Sequel to ‘ Illusive Alien’

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Owen, Jack, Ianto

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 300 at tw100

Spoilers: None.

Summary: The swan impersonator is questioned.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: A second fill for the square Swan/Deception

The alien, now in its natural form, sat forlornly in its cell.

“What do we do with it now?” Owen asked Jack.

“We find out what it's doing here, aside from pretending to be a native.”

“According to our records, it's a Flummel. They're peaceful scholars,” Ianto supplied.

“I did no harm,” the Flummel protested.

Jack frowned.

“Then why’d you run?”

“I am not authorized to visit your world.” It sounded sheepish.

“So you tried to hide.”

It nodded.

“Why a swan?” Owen demanded.

“They’re similar. I thought I would blend in.”

“And the third leg?” Ianto inquired.

“I miscounted.”

The End

fic, owen harper, jack harkness, fic: sequel, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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