Drabble: Smoke And Mirrors

Nov 21, 2013 16:36

Title: Smoke And Mirrors

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto, Jack

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 300 at tw100

Spoilers: None.

Summary: Ianto sees right through Jack’s act.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: For the square Curtain/Deception

A/N2: Thanks to lexxiescott for giving me the idea for this one.

Smoke And Mirrors... )

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 26

tardisjournal November 21 2013, 18:14:38 UTC
And that's why they're perfect together. :) Even among the Team there's a lot of hero-worshipping going on. Gwen definitely does, Tosh probably does to some extent because he saved her from that horrible prison; even Owen, I'd say, because Jack had all the answers at a time when Owen's life fell apart and nothing made sense.

But not Ianto. For whatever reason he sees Jack as he truly is--and loves him anyway. <3<3

Nice job!


badly_knitted November 21 2013, 18:31:26 UTC
Thank you, I was completely stuck with this prompt at first, but then one of my friends made a suggestion and it led to this =)

I think you're right - Ianto sees Jack the man, where everyone else sees Captain Jack, fearless leader. But then, Jack sees right through Ianto's masks too. They are each what the other needs, someone they can be themselves with.

I have one more to post for this lot, then I'll star posting my second lot - all are finished, yay!


owensheart November 21 2013, 19:41:58 UTC
I believe Jack want Ianto to see the real him

Great drabble.


badly_knitted November 21 2013, 20:44:57 UTC
I think he does. It's rare for someone to see through Jack's act, but Jack feels safe with Ianto. He doesn't need to pretend with him and values him all the more for that.


scifiangel November 21 2013, 19:57:08 UTC
Awwwe so sweet. That's one reason Jack love Ianto so. He can be himself.


badly_knitted November 21 2013, 20:50:52 UTC
Exactly! It must be so soothing to be with someone where he doesn't have to keep up his larger than life, flirty persona. Ianto sees past all that to an ordinary man who just happens to be burdened with immortality.

Thank you.


too_beauty November 21 2013, 22:12:22 UTC
yes the reason why they belong together!


badly_knitted November 21 2013, 22:38:05 UTC
Yes, They see through each other's masks to the real person beneath.

Thank you.


iantojjackh November 21 2013, 23:02:36 UTC
This is so true for their relationship and it's why I believe they work so well together (and as so have pointed it out in some of my own writing)


badly_knitted November 21 2013, 23:14:18 UTC
Ianto sees more than the other team members, I think he looks deeper while they don't bother to look beyond the surface.

They accept each other completely.

Thank you.


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