Double Drabble: Unexpected

Sep 11, 2019 18:30

Title: Unexpected
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 569: Late at tw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto and Jack have had a long night
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

Unexpected... )

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 4

raynewton September 12 2019, 19:33:47 UTC
At least Ianto can get to bed without having to spend time settling the creature. They couldn't have known it was allergic to sunlight. Jack will make sure he has a bit of coddling and a good sleep.


badly_knitted September 12 2019, 19:54:38 UTC
Yep, he's not sad about not having to look after the creature either.

Jack will make sure Ianto gets a good sleep.

Thank you!


pfyre September 12 2019, 20:45:48 UTC
Ewww... Well at least Ianto doesn't have to worry about trying to incarcerate the nasty alien. Though I'm certain that Jack and Ianto will make certain that there is a prominent notation or two in the Torchwood database about this alien species fatal sunlight allergy.... Thanks for this.


badly_knitted September 12 2019, 20:55:34 UTC
LOL! Sorry, but I didn't kn ow it was going to spontaneously combust until I wrote it. My brain is weird like that. Ianto didn't want to look after the toothy beast, he just wanted to get some sleep ;)

Thank you!


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