Drabble: Friendship

Oct 19, 2013 13:34

Title: Friendship

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Tosh, Ianto

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 298 - In Vino Veritas at tw100

Spoilers: None.

Summary: Tosh gets a little drunk and confides in her best friend.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Friendship... )

toshiko sato, fic, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, ianto jones, fic: g

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Comments 26

owensheart October 19 2013, 13:12:18 UTC
*giggle* drunk Tosh is funny. I did feel sad that she doesnt think she is pretty enough.


badly_knitted October 19 2013, 13:52:19 UTC
It IS sad, but Ianto will reassure her and drunk Tosh will believe him 'cause he knows everything!

Thank you.


aviv_b October 19 2013, 13:25:11 UTC
Ianto's right. Tosh can do so much better!


badly_knitted October 19 2013, 14:34:16 UTC
She can, but Tosh's heart is ruling her head.


tardisjournal October 19 2013, 13:34:23 UTC
LOL! Yes, yes he does.

Poor Tosh--there might be a bit of the "bad boy" attraction going on there. And maybe she puts up with Owen's rudeness because she thinks that's what she deserves.

Stupid Owen.


badly_knitted October 19 2013, 14:36:55 UTC
Tosh knows all Owen's faults but for some reason she can't help loving him anyway.

Owen's a fool, Tosh deserves better. Now if only she could convince herself.


lt_indigo October 19 2013, 17:00:54 UTC
Perfect. Just perfect. How is it that sad, drunk Tosh is still funny?


badly_knitted October 19 2013, 17:41:07 UTC
Wine must have that effect on her I guess ;)

At least she has a good friend in Ianto. Now if only Owen would open his eyes...

Thank you.


timelordshines October 19 2013, 17:48:55 UTC
Ianto does know everything.
Tosh does deserve better than Owen, and in her head she probably knows that... But getting her heart to listen is another matter!


badly_knitted October 19 2013, 17:58:36 UTC
Exactly. Head and heart seldom seem to agree when it comes to love.

Thank you.


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