Title: Growing Up
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Bikky, Ryo.
Rating: G
Setting: Early in the manga.
Summary: Bikky wants to be a grownup already; Ryo thinks he should enjoy being a kid.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Age’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble and a half, 250 words.
“It sucks being a kid; there’s so much I’m not allowed to do. When I’m grown up, I’ll have a car and I’ll stay up all night if I want to. I’ll go anywhere I want whenever I feel like it!”
Ryo chuckled; at ten-years-old, Bikky had some interesting if unrealistic notions about adulthood.
“Don’t be in too much of a hurry to grow up,” he advised his foster son. “It’s not as much fun as you make it sound. It’s all about going to work every day to make enough money to pay the bills, the rent, and buy food. Then there’s the cleaning, laundry, and ironing; by the time the chores are done all I have the energy for is crawling into bed. The only time I stay up all night is when I’m working late shift, and then I just come home and sleep. Most days I wish I could trade places with you.”
Bikky frowned. “Why? I have to go to school, and do tons of homework.”
“But when the homework’s done you get to play with your friends. You’re not responsible for looking after anyone else, and you get more time off school each year than I get off work. It’s not that I mind; I love my job, getting criminals off the street, making them pay for their crimes, but it’s hard work. Take my advice; stay a kid for as long as you can, because once you grow up, there’s no going back.”
The End