Drabble: The Gathering

Sep 09, 2013 16:27

Title: The Gathering

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, Team

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 294 - Teddy Bears’ Picnic at tw100

Spoilers: None at all.

Summary: Jack and the team observe some alien visitors.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: I decided I should write something that fit the prompt a bit better…

The Gathering... )

fic, team, torchwood fic, tw100, jack harkness, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 23

jedi_harkness September 9 2013, 16:10:55 UTC
Hee, they kind of sound like Ewoks! ;)

Great drabble! Clever use of the prompt. :)


badly_knitted September 9 2013, 16:56:41 UTC
Thank you.

Ewok-ish, but more Teddy Bear looking and more civilised, I think. They have excellent manners. ;)


aviv_b September 9 2013, 16:17:11 UTC
I think you are the first one to actually use the picnic part!


badly_knitted September 9 2013, 17:00:18 UTC
You may be right. I just felt I should at least try to do one that fit the prompt - mine were a bit on the wayward side. One didn't even really have a teddy bear in it.

Just remembered timelordshines had a picnic in hers, so I'm not the first.

Thank you.


timelordshines September 10 2013, 20:03:31 UTC
Mine wasn't a teddy bears' picnic though. Just Ianto being sentimental enough to take his teddy on holiday. :-)


badly_knitted September 10 2013, 20:22:58 UTC
But the teddy bear was still at a picnic, so that counts!


too_beauty September 9 2013, 16:21:40 UTC
And now we know for sure that there are nice and fluffy aliens!


badly_knitted September 9 2013, 17:02:11 UTC
There are more of them than you might think! Thankfully, only Torchwood Three have ever met any of them.

Thank you.


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badly_knitted September 9 2013, 17:04:31 UTC
Close, but not quite. The Ewoks' more civilised cousins perhaps, and even more teddy bear like. With deep, growly voices and very good manners.

Thank you.


milady_dragon September 9 2013, 23:52:03 UTC

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :)


badly_knitted September 10 2013, 12:03:58 UTC
Well, not exactly, but similar. They're more civilised and spacefaring, more peaceful, and look pretty much exactly like living teddy bears. (Well, they do on my head). Jack has met members of their species many times.

Thank you.


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