Title: Christmas Eve Kiss
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Buffy, Angel.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 10: Mistletoe at
Spoilers/Setting: First half of Season Two.
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve and while everyone else is having fun, Buffy is patrolling.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Joss Whedon.
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I even researched to make sure Mistletoe grows wild in southern California. Apparently it's a nuisance.
I also have this incredible broom handle that is of an oak branch with parasitic mistletoe on it.
I've seen it growing on an apple tree in a local garden, but that's the only time, although I think it's fairly common in parts of England. It's a fascinating plant.
The mistletoe/oak broom handle wears the collar of one of my favorite dogs.
Mistletoe is just so much fun.
I've got a walking stick made out of a branch, I keep it under my bed for clobbering burglars ;)
Plants in general are fun, there are so many strange ones.
One of my walking sticks has a face carved in it. I need to do some more decorating to it. It has a natural hole in it that I keep thinking I need to string with ribbons, and beads, and feathers. You know. Fun stuff.
I am very fond of plants. I collect irises and daylilies currently, because my yard has absolutely no shade.
Sounds like you have plenty of ideas for decorations!
I love plants and gardening, but my own health problems and the fact that I was caring for my mum for the last few years of her life mean the garden is seriously overgrown. I'm hoping to get more time out there next year, cutting back the brambles and ivy, and the overgrown shrubs. We get a lot of shade, thanks to trees in neighbouring gardens, and the lawn is about two feet lower than everyone else's so it gets waterlogged in heavy rain. I would like to have a few more plants and a few less shrubs. My day lily sadly died, I think it got suffocated under everything.
Daylilies are pretty hardy. It might still be there, under everything.
My mom tries to dissuade me from buying more flowers for our yard but she likes them too. And this year, she let me plant a veggie garden. It did pretty well but I need to dig up the weeds surrounding the garden and put down some mulch. :D
I had hopes, but not a single leaf has poked through all year, so it doesn't look too likely.
Well done with the veggie garden! I don't really have anywhere that gets enough sun for growing veggies these days, but I might grow tomatoes again next year, I usually do well with those.
Awww, I'm sorry to read that about your daylily.
I love growing tomatoes. They have such a different taste than store-bought fruits.
I'm planning to ease off a bot on my writing next year to allow more time for gardening and cross stitch, the two things I most want to do. Then again, I said I was going to do that this year and wound up writing more than last year... I blame the plot bunnies, they're out of control.
Homegrown tomatoes (that always makes me think of Guy Clark's song) are sweeter and have thinner skins, plus you can grow so many more interesting varieties. I have a fondness for yellow tomatoes, and you never see those in shops here in the UK.
I may have to try to replace my daylily, maybe get a few more, once I get that piece of garden cleared and ready. There's so much work to do out there when the weather starts to improve.
I want to start writing more. My job is such that my computer is attached to my face for 8+ hours and then I don't want to write when I come home.
I like to grow a lot of different tomatoes. I had yellows, stripies, purples, bicolors...
I wish I could send you a daylily! I have so many...but I doubt I could ship them overseas. D:
I love stained glass, we have a small window each side of the front door, I think it was original with the house which was built in the thirties. There was more on the bay windows but we lost that when the we had double glazing fitted.
I've never seen a purple tomato, that really sounds different! I've grown a lovely green variety called Green Grape that turns a sort of olive green when ripe, little green cherry tomatoes. Those are great.
I hope you'll be able to write more next year, it must be hard to fave a computer screen when your work involves staring at one. Even though I want to cut down I'll still be writing every day. I've only pledged 200,000 words at getyourwordsout for next year instead of my usual 250k.
You should post some of your art online, I'd love to see what you do!
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