Title: Average Day
badly_knittedCharacters: Andy, Ianto.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 504: Average at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Andy still has lots to learn about the life of a Torchwood agent.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
“Is it always this crazy?” gasped Andy, running practically shoulder-to-shoulder with Ianto in hot pursuit of something knobbly and green with too many legs and a taste for Begonias. It had been snacking on them when they’d arrived, wrecking the municipal floral displays.
“You want the truth or a comforting lie?” Ianto made a quick grab, keeping the new agent upright as they made a tight turn into an alley.
“Truth; might as well know what I’ve got myself into.
“This is about average. If you want to see things get really busy, just wait for the next alien invasion.”
The End