Title: I’ll Make It Up To You
badly_knitted Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G
Word Count: 609
Summary: Jack keeps his promise to make up to Ianto for running off with the Doctor.
Spoilers/Warnings: Nada.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood or any of the characters. Which is sad.
A/N: For
iantojjackh who wanted ‘Second Chance, timestamp: 1 month later. Wanna see if
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I'm trying to get back into writing longer pieces. I won't stop drabbling, but I need to stretch my writing muscles a bit before they seize up completely, lol!
Still, who knows what might happen? I have a few ideas for short pieces and a couple of sequels to existing stories in the works. I might even expand on some of my drabbles. I just need time to get some writing done, but that's in short supply at the moment. I hardly even have time to read short fics, never mind write them. I really hate the way life keeps getting in the way of fandom, lol!
Glad you liked this little snippet though.
I never planned on writing, but somehow it happened anyway =S
Sometimes it doesn't even feel like I'm the one doing the writing. The characters take over and all I can do is try to keep up. I enjoy it, but the whole writing process baffles me. I wish I was better at plots and original characters, but I know my limits and what I'm best at so I mostly stick to that - fluff and silliness.
This fic's the first of three that were requested by various people for a meme thingy I took part in here:
Requests are still welcome if you're interested.
Hopefully, when I get the time, I'll be able to do more action figure theatre - I have some ideas, but I don't have all the props I need yet and setting up the scenes is quite time consuming. If you enjoy action figure action though, are you familiar with the amazing dieastra ? She's the one who got me started and she does it all brilliantly. Even did a dramatisation of one of my drabbles =)
I CAN promise there will be some more Nosy-Verse fics soon, a couple of little one-shots at least.
You're the only other person I've come across who has mentioned memory gaps due to illness and meds. I have blocks of time (like weeks here and there) that just ceased to exist for me, and I completely forgot a severe reaction I had to Tramadol until I was at my doctor's and a friend went with me and mentioned it. I still don't have an actual memory of it, but I know it happened because my friend remembered it. Weird. Tramadol was fun. I had hallucinations. That I DO remember. One example: conversation with three women, who when I blinked, suddenly were no longer there. I remember thinking to myself (cliche follows), "Well, that can't be good." Why, yes. We do live in the Twilight Zone. Isn't it fun?
I completely missed my niece's first few years. I've seen photos, but I don't remember her from that time at all. I remember buying a soft toy for her before she was born, then nothing until she was about 6.
I'm thankful nothing I've been prescribed has caused hallucinations. Still, I hope it was an interesting conversation before the women disappeared.
Doctors have managed to get me addicted to tranquilizers not once but twice, which has also left me with agoraphobia and panic attacks. All for nothing of course, since I was wrongly diagnosed in the first place. *shrugs* Sometimes you end up just having to make the best of what you're stuck with.
Well, I'm glad the worst pain is gone, though arthritis can be pretty damned uncomfortable, as I well know. I seem to have it in most of the joints I've got. You really know how many joints the human body has when they hurt don't you. I even have arthritic toes! It's not too severe most of the time though and I take Omega 3 oil capsules which are supposed to help, though I mainly take them because they make my frequent migraines less severe.
Well that makes two of us. No on knows what's wrong with me either.
Got to try to get some writing done tomorrow - much too tired to concentrate tonight anyway. Besides, it's getting on towards midnight so I'll be heading to bed soon. Just finishing up with my emails and finishing a few chores before bed, unless I nod off over the computer first, lol!
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