Drabble: Forewarned Is Forearmed

Jul 14, 2013 12:59

Title: Forewarned Is Forearmed

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto, Jack, Team, OC Mr Bickerdyke

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 288, Week 3 - Reverse fandom - Last of the Summer Wine at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: The Torchwood team receive bad news - the world is about to end.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Title used was ‘According To ( Read more... )

fic, jack harkness, ianto jones, team, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 12

too_beauty July 14 2013, 19:33:46 UTC
so all hands on deck to save the world!
Luckily, Jack believes this prophetic man.


badly_knitted July 14 2013, 20:50:26 UTC
Yes, he's always right and Jack knows it's better to prepare if you get any kind of warning, it might just save everyone!

Thank you.


aviv_b July 14 2013, 19:55:17 UTC
Their very own Oracle - so convenient!


badly_knitted July 14 2013, 20:53:31 UTC
Convenient yes, but unfortunately rather vague. Poor Mr Bickerdyke, his premonitions of major rift activity always register with him as 'The world is ending.' The early warning is nice, but it would be easier if they knew what to expect!

Thank you!


musingwoman2 July 15 2013, 06:31:54 UTC
Brilliant. I can really see this happening!


badly_knitted July 15 2013, 12:30:13 UTC
Thank you!

I figure some people in Cardiff must be more sensitive to the Rift than most. Poor Mr Bickerdyke, he can foresee major Rift events but they always register with him as 'The world is going to end', which isn't as helpful as Jack would like, lol!


owensheart July 15 2013, 12:39:29 UTC
Well I know what ever it is they can sort it LOL.

BTW Mr. Bickerdyke? have you been listening to the Janet and John stories?


badly_knitted July 15 2013, 14:28:47 UTC
Nope, he must have been a character in Last of the Summer Wine, because the challenge this month is to use the titles of LotSW episodes as prompts. The titles are great, very inspiring, lol! I've written 25 this month so far, and there's still another week to go!

Thank you, and yes, Mr Bickerdyke knows just who to go to with his premonitions. It always seems to work as the world still hasn't ended! Mr Jones is clearly very efficient.


tardisjournal July 15 2013, 19:15:32 UTC
LOL! I love this. I imagine this "Mr Bickerdyke" is quite the eccentric character. He's probably very pleased someone takes his prophesies seriously!

The end of the world would indeed be bad for the tourist industry!


badly_knitted July 15 2013, 20:48:35 UTC
I figure he's hyper-sensitive to the Rift and has always fretted that no one believed his warnings, even when the world never ended when he was expecting it to. Then he met young Mr Jones, who took him seriously instead of laughing in his face and for the first time, telling someone took a weight from his mind. He knows the danger will be taken care of.

Thank you!


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