Feb 16, 2018 11:14

It's no exaggeration to say I feel violated. Someone on FF.Net has taken one of the stories I posted last night (a FAKE ficlet titled 'A Hearty Breakfast), added vile and repulsive content to it, and posted it as their own work. They've also done the same with another story by somone else in a different fandom ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, ugh, angry, real life

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haldoor February 19 2018, 05:56:43 UTC

That is disgusting. I'm glad to hear you took the necessary steps. *massive hugs*


badly_knitted February 19 2018, 11:58:43 UTC
Thank you *hugs back*

Not that it seems to be helping, little troll is still there, 'threatening' to continue her 'game' and no amount of pointing out to her that she's just making a fool of herself is getting through. I refuse to ban her from my account because then she'll think she won some kind of victory. It's getting so I pity her, she really must be so desperate for attention that any kind will do.


haldoor February 19 2018, 23:15:09 UTC

I would see if you can email someone at FF too if you get no proper response from them soon, as it appears she's going to continue this bad behaviour until they sort her out, which they NEED to do and SOON, or it leaves things wide open for other similar abuses.

the other plagiarised person sounds lovely though, from your other comments above, which is of some comfort.


badly_knitted February 19 2018, 23:58:30 UTC
And now a third person, someone on my f-list here, has been hit too! Thankfully I was able to tell her what I know, so she's reported the troll too, as have some of her friends, I believe. I did also send an email to their support address, and another report myself, so FF had better get off their asses and ban this child soon, because she won't stop as long as she's getting attention.

One of these times, she might target someone young and easily hurt, she's randomly hitting the smaller fandoms, it seems, the ones with fewer writers, picking out a short, recently posted fic, and so far it's only been mature and confident writers. i don't even believe she knows anything about the fandoms she picks, not from what she added to my fic. It's all just so lame and pathetic.


haldoor February 20 2018, 00:00:16 UTC
That is not funny. Good luck with everything; I know the stress is horrible, and I just hope FF take notice! *more hugs*


badly_knitted February 20 2018, 11:52:41 UTC
I was stressed about it for the first day or two, but now I'm just so over the whole thing. It's too pathetic to bother about, I just hope ff deals with her before someone actually is harmed by her.


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