Feb 16, 2018 11:14

It's no exaggeration to say I feel violated. Someone on FF.Net has taken one of the stories I posted last night (a FAKE ficlet titled 'A Hearty Breakfast), added vile and repulsive content to it, and posted it as their own work. They've also done the same with another story by somone else in a different fandom ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, ugh, angry, real life

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m_findlow February 16 2018, 22:06:12 UTC

Appalling! How dare they call themselves a writer. If you want to do a transformative work, you ask the writer's permission, but it sounds like this doesn't even qualify as such.
This is even worse than when people were stealing fics off AO3 and trying to sell them as ebooks. At least they weren't corrupting the author's intellectual property, though I certainly don't condone trying to make a profit off someone else's IP (even if it's fanfic).
*quietly disgusted*

Edit: even more appalled now that I've seen it. Have reported it and left a nasty "review". What a bitch!


badly_knitted February 16 2018, 23:37:05 UTC
It's horrific that anyone could stop so low, and I feel for the other victim too, who is lovely and sent me a PM this morning to offer support.

I'm waiting impatiently for ff.net to take action against this disgusting person. Thank you for taking a stand against them, I really appreciate it. People cannot be allowed to get away with such foulness.

The timing of all this, when I'm already under a lot of stress, sucks. It would be so nice to wake up in the morning and find the individual gone.



m_findlow February 16 2018, 23:51:01 UTC
I hear you. Hopefully it won't take them to long to vacate this troll, since that's all they are. If not, some of us might be keeping an eye on them for new entries and giving our own opinions on their "quality"...


badly_knitted February 17 2018, 11:35:53 UTC
The moron had the nerve to PM me regarding my reply to her review, actually pointing out her 'story' to me and gloating about how much better it was than mine. I probably shouldn't have responded, but I told her she was infantile and pathetic, and to stop humiliating herself. She's really making me angry now.


m_findlow February 17 2018, 22:03:11 UTC

I laughed at her response to the other pm for so many reasons, not the least of which was that she started the "judgemental" bit by leaving the review in the first place. The fact that she felt the need to leave effusive reviews on her own entries (I won't dare call them anything else), praising how good it was tells us all we need to know about how mesed up she is (and yes, messed up was not the word I used in my head) The longer it goes on the angrier it makes me. She should be so glad there's a whole Pacific ocean separating us because I'd want to go over there and slap that smug little emo smirk right off her face.


badly_knitted February 17 2018, 22:59:38 UTC
You and me both! She wouldn't know what hit her. Leaving reviews on what she's 'written' goes beyond pathetic, it's pitiful!

he needs to learn that she's not gonna win this one. If she thinks she;s up against another emo teenager, well, she couldn't be more wrong!

The only way to deal with this is to laugh it off.


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