Feb 16, 2018 11:14

It's no exaggeration to say I feel violated. Someone on FF.Net has taken one of the stories I posted last night (a FAKE ficlet titled 'A Hearty Breakfast), added vile and repulsive content to it, and posted it as their own work. They've also done the same with another story by somone else in a different fandom ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, ugh, angry, real life

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spikesgirl58 February 16 2018, 17:40:02 UTC
I went and check it out - she wrote herself a review? How sad. Where do I go to report here?


badly_knitted February 16 2018, 18:04:23 UTC
Yes, so pathetic!

I think you might need an account on ff.net, but if not, at the very bottom of the story page, there's a row of three tabs. The first one says 'Actions', click that and select 'Report Abuse' then select from the menu the one that says Not the property of the uploader and write a message in the box.


spikesgirl58 February 16 2018, 21:05:21 UTC
I have two accounts and reported her under both. I have no patience for this.


badly_knitted February 16 2018, 21:38:37 UTC
Thank you! *hugs* I saw you left her a 'review' too =D


Let's hope all the reports get noticed and that person gets what thy deserve.


spikesgirl58 February 16 2018, 21:58:15 UTC
I had to say something. this is like the worse crime ever for someone to commit against a writer. I wonder who she stole the other story from.


badly_knitted February 16 2018, 22:04:11 UTC
Can't remember her name offhand, but the other plagiarised writer contacted me this morning by PM to offer her support. So sweet, there are some lovely people around, they're not all vile trolls. The plagiarism was bad enough, but the vile desecration of my story *shudders* Just too disgusting for words. I hope the perpetrator gets banned, the sooner the better.


spikesgirl58 February 16 2018, 22:16:56 UTC
for me, the sheer sake of plagiarism is vile enough.


badly_knitted February 16 2018, 23:23:30 UTC
It is, no one should get away with it.


spikesgirl58 February 17 2018, 14:01:27 UTC
I just sent you a PM with her answer to my review.

Geez, don't be so judgemental. I did not just take that random b***'s idea, I took it to improve upon it.

My response to her was -

Judgmental? You committed the worst act possible against a writer. You want to improve something, improve your own ethics and leave other people's work alone. If you want to write, create your own material, but NEVER steal another person's and say you 'improve' it. You didn't.

I have no words for her. None...


badly_knitted February 17 2018, 15:58:20 UTC
Neither do I.

She sent me a PM about my reply to her comment, boasting on how her 'story' as so much better than mine. She doesn't know the fandom even!

I told her she's an infantile and pathetic attention-seeker, and should stop humiliating herself.

She really picked the wrong person to mess with! I have friends ;)



spikesgirl58 February 17 2018, 19:24:06 UTC
Sadly, I doubt your words or mine will ever be able to make it through her very inflated self love for them to have any impact. I just hope that ff.net does something and quickly.


badly_knitted February 17 2018, 21:26:53 UTC
I hope so too. I suppose even getting slapped down just strokes her ego. If she behaves like this offline, I hope someone will teach her the error of her ways before she gets herself in serious trouble. Children need boundaries and the way she acts, no one ever set them for her.


spikesgirl58 February 17 2018, 21:32:45 UTC
You are right, good or bad, she wants the attention. Hopefully, she won't make the mistake of messing with any of the 'the' names or there will be hell to pay.


badly_knitted February 17 2018, 23:01:10 UTC
Someone needs to teach her actions have consequences, and she's not going to like them!


spikesgirl58 February 18 2018, 13:13:55 UTC
Exactly. So many people think they are above such things. It apparently means nothing to her, but I bet she'd be seven kinds of pissed if someone did something like this to something of hers.


badly_knitted February 18 2018, 13:35:20 UTC
I doubt she's capable of creating anything anyone would want to read, she has a 4-year-old's obsession with bodily functions, but if anyone ever did rip off her work I have no doubt she'd go ballistic.


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