Title: A Chaise Longue Too Far
badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, Jack
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 288, Week 3 - Reverse fandom - Last of the Summer Wine at
tw100 Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto takes Jack furniture shopping…
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Episode title = drabble title. It’s just easier that way.
Shopping with Jack was usually a pleasure, not to mention highly entertaining, but buying furniture for their new flat was turning into an exercise in frustration.
It wasn’t even that Ianto didn’t approve of Jack’s rather eclectic taste in furnishings, it was more a case of Jack wanting to buy everything they both liked. Ianto couldn’t seem to make him understand that there simply wasn’t enough room.
“We don’t live in a TARDIS, Jack! If we buy all of this stuff, there won’t be room for us!”
“You think the Chaise Longue is too much then?”
“Yeah, just a bit.”
The End