Mar 09, 2010 18:09

[NOTE: Most image links contain blood.]

FANDOM: Grimm Fairy Tales [Wonderland Series]
CHRONOLOGY: Escape from Wonderland Issue #3
CLASS: Mass Murdering Psychopath
ALTER EGO: Oreo the cute little grinning house cat.

Once upon a time, in the 1860s there was a man. A sick man, a dying man, but a man nonetheless. His name was Charles Dodgson and he was quite wealthy. Through his efforts to survive he came upon the discovery of a scientist named Henry Allen - and would from then on fund the scientist's work.

July 4th 1864 The day of discovery. While working, a doormouse had caused an accident in Henry's lab. The result of which was an explosion, and the opening of a portal to a strange place. This was Henry Allen's greatest discovery.

This portal lead to Wonderland. A place where there are no rules and nothing makes sense. A nightmare realm. Not that Henry knew that yet.

On the 6th he hid the portal with an old mirror, and purchased two animals. A white rabbit, and a cat. The two were the only creatures left in the local pet shop, noted as unwanted by anyone. They would become the test subjects Henry would use in his exploration of the portal. The rabbit was sent in that day, on a leash an collar, but was lost. It did not come back out.

But this was not the last the cat would see of the rabbit; who eventually became Wonderland's eyes in real world.

July 8th 1864 The cat was the next test subject in Henry's experiment. It refused to enter the portal, or leave its tiny cage. Henry noted that the cat must have sensed something it did not like about the portal. And as that would not do, IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE, he cut and harmed the cat in attempt to get it to leave the cage. Such is the abused life of an unwilling test subject. Still refusing to leave, Henry simply kicked the cage with the cat into the portal. The cat did not come back out either.

Henry then lost his son to the portal - which had fused itself with the mirror - in addition to two little girls that had been over for his son's birthday. In turn, he entered through the mirror into Wonderland, finding his son (the King) and the two girls (fused together into the Queen of Hearts). Time does not make sense in Wonderland, and his son and the girls had grown to adulthood. A display of Wonderland's powers, the King continuously attempted to kill himself in front of his father, not wanting to live in Wonderland any longer, but the realm continued to heal him. Henry then met the Jabberwocky - a great many sighs that people still don't realize Jabberwocky is the poem while Jabberwock is the creature, but that's not part of the story here.

As things turn out, Cheshire, the cat whom he kicked through the portal, was then working for the Jabberwocky. Transformed into a giant monstrous feline, having gained a "highly functioning consciousness". The rabbit also seemed to have taken up a job under the Jabberwocky.

The Jabberwocky, as ruler of the Wonderland realm, demanded more from Henry. More souls in Wonderland meant more power for him. The Jabberwocky has the ability to warp Wonderland as he sees fit, this includes transforming those that enter Wonderland into Wonderland entities.

He sent Henry back home in hopes he would be sent more souls. Knowing what the Jabberwocky wanted, Henry chose to make one last journey into Wonderland in attempt to blow up the portal and seal it for good. Unfortunately for the scientist, the mirror would not let him through, and an angry mob - led by the father of the two missing girls - killed him. Thus the mission to save the world from the mad realm of Wonderland failed.

Upon hearing this, Dodgson soon visited the scientist's house in search for mirror. Finding the mirror, Dodgson sent a little boy (whom had been assisting him in his sickness) into Wonderland as a sacrifice, and struck a deal with the Jabberwocky. In return for eternal youth, curing his sickness, and of course power, he would continue to sacrifice souls to Wonderland.

That was the start of everything.

Using his family and a coven of followers, Dodgson continued to make the desired sacrifices to Wonderland. Everyone except for Dodgson himself believed that the sacrifices were necessary to keep the madness of Wonderland from escaping into the real world. It was really quite the opposite.

It was keeping Dodgson young and making Wonderland stronger.

Years later, around 1963 Dodgson would have a great grand daughter, Alice. Once Alice was of certain age Dodgson sacrificed her to Wonderland. However, leaving her sanity behind in Wonderland (named Lacie) she was able to escape. No it doesn't make much sense, but this is Wonderland. Alice lived in the real world, while her sanity Lacie lived in Wonderland. Needless to say, Alice went a bit mad. But not before she had two children! A little girl named Carroll Ann (Calie) and a little boy named Johnny.

All children grow and Calie became a teenager. One fateful night upon chasing her mother's white rabbit (secretly sent from Wonderland) she fell into a hole behind a bookcase in the basement, which landed her in Wonderland. Calie faced many obstacles and things trying to kill her before she was stalked by Cheshire, who was using his power to be transparent. Lacie interrupted his hunt and she was quickly eaten by the cat.

Cheshire continued to hunt Calie, loosing her a few times until he finally found her with the Queen of Hearts in the garden. Killing the Queen, and all her guards. Before he was able to kill Calie, Lacie cut herself out of his stomach, killing him. But everything heals in Wonderland. Lacie pushed Calie through the portal (a pool of water) sending her home, and then turned to face all of the healed creatures of Wonderland.

Shortly after Alice killed herself, and Cheshire (in his pet form) showed up at her funeral. The reasoning for this was to make sure that Dodgson kept to his deal, informing Calie that she needed to return to Wonderland. Instead Calie pushed her younger brother into the mirror; as he had shortly after killed their father, blaming him for their mother's death. Smashing the mirror she then ran off with her boyfriend (and got knocked-up). Cheshire kept a close eye on her as she traveled.

While Calie and her boyfriend got set up in New York City (during a time of waiting for new Lost and Heroes episodes, while complaining about why Smallville isn't on), Cheshire was getting to know Johnny. Calie's little brother had grown older in Wonderland, and become the new Mad Hatter. The Mad Hatter would follow Cheshire whenever the cat was in the real world to watch Calie. Keeping the feline from doing something he was not permitted, with threats of using the Ebony Blade on him (the only thing that causes permanent death). Every so often Cheshire was allowed to kill some humans to keep him from complaining. Mainly a prostitute and a group of people that were touring the Statue of Liberty.

Cheshire and Mad Hatter kept in an alleyway, waiting for Calie to leave the diner at which she worked so that a massacre could begin. Once gone, Cheshire entered the diner through the men's washroom mirror, while Hatter went in to speak to a man named Howard who had been explaining what Wonderland really was about to Calie. During Hatter's chat, Cheshire murdered every living being in the diner.

Calie returned to the see the end results of the massacre, and faced off with Cheshire, cutting his eyes and then slashing his chest. Once the girl left the diner, Cheshire reverted himself to pet form where he was found by the police. He was then brought into an animal shelter and patched up best they could. All he seemed to retain was a few scars on his face.

He was then adopted by a girl named Lina, who called him "Oreo". First impression of Lina's roommate Becky wasn't good. Later Becky locked Cheshire in the closet, after he had walked in on her having sex with her boyfriend. While in the closet Cheshire had found and killed a mouse, realizing that some of his power had returned due to the kill. When he was finally found by Lina and let out of the closet he went on a killing spree. Lina had told him about the people that picked on her, and he set off to remove them all.

First was Becky's boyfriend, who he got into a major car accident. Second was the girl that always stole Lina's shampoo, who he electrocuted by pushing a plugged in stereo into the bath. Third was that girl's friend, who he tripped making her fall down the stairs and break her neck. At that point his power had returned fully, and he was approached by Becky who was planning on getting rid of him. Cheshire transformed into his monstrous form, killing Becky and then every other girl in that house. Lina returned from class and Cheshire made her a deal, tempting her into going to Wonderland... Where he likely protected her and kept her safe.

Cheshire would then assist in kidnapping Calie's baby on the day of her birth, murdering all of those in the hospital. The murder was covered with a gas explosion, leaving Calie the sole survivor.

Calie's baby - named Violet - was essential to Wonderland, in that the baby's presence in Wonderland would allow Wonderland to escape into the real world.

Upon Calie's return to Wonderland to reclaim her daughter, Cheshire began tracking her with Lina's (now Wonderland bent) help. The two planned on gutting her, for revenge on what she did to Cheshire's face (which was scarred).

They tracked Calie to the Jabberwocky's lair, entering the cave and chasing her down. Calie used a sword to cause part of the ceiling to collapse, which ended up crushing Lina. Cheshire was devastated, more so when he dug her up and she was not healing. Instead for one reason or another Lina died, leaving Cheshire all alone.

This Cheshire is very unlike the Cheshire from the Wonderland books by Lewis Carroll. From personality to speech.

As a cat that went from unwanted to abused, Cheshire knows little about compassion. His morals are twisted, not only due to the nature of Wonderland, but how he was treated. He was never shown love or kindness, instead purchased for the sole reason of being a test subject. When he would not do what the scientist wanted he was beaten and cut, finally sent to a realm of madness.

He may have survived Wonderland solely because he was the second creature to ever enter it. That however does not mean that he was safe there. It is a deadly realm, and the Jabberwocky considers all his playthings. Thanks to Wonderland he was able to develop a highly function consciousness, allowing him the ability to speak and think on a higher level.

That however does not mean he has abandoned his feline instincts. In fact they are still incredibly present. Cheshire is Wonderland's greatest hunter, viewing everyone (save for his boss the Jabberwocky) as his prey. He is described as one of Wonderland's most vicious and powerful creatures, and it is no lie. He kills who he wants, and little seem to be able to overpower him. Like a cat he sneaks up on his prey, and with his extra sharp claws, and many teeth people just fall apart. He views people as brittle, enjoying when people beg and plead with him; not that ever stops him from ripping them in two.

He seems to get great pleasure from causing pain and death, and that is very likely due to the abuse he had gone through before entering Wonderland.

Cheshire can get bored easily and prefers to not just sit around and watch. While that was part of his job, he would much rather rip people apart. He does not like taking orders for long, and made this quite clear to the Mad Hatter, only being brought back in line when the Hatter pulled out the Ebony Blade. Jabberwocky is the only being he does not seem to challenge, and that may be due to that creature being the ruler of Wonderland, or because he helped Cheshire become what he is today. The cat likely does hold some respect for Wonderland's ruler.

He - like a lot of cats - enjoys doing things on his own. And while he does get bored easily, that does not mean that he never relaxes and lounges around like a normal cat. Although rare, when he is in the real world he can allow himself to do just that, a time that is often filled with thoughts and planning.

Madness and anger is not the only aspect of this feline. He is capable of a softer kind of happiness. Finding great pleasure from, for once in his life, being shown kindness and love. This was a time when he allowed himself to be a bit more catlike, debate morals, and even think of remaining a house cat permanently.

He is however very protective, and once he had grown attached to the one person who had shown him love he would do anything for them. People had been picking on that person, so in his mind they needed to be removed permanently.

His greatest desire is to be loved and accepted, and had he been rejected once he revealed his true monstrous self (surrounded by dead bodies) he would have no qualms killing the person who had said they loved him. Later on he might feel a little twinge of regret, wonder what he had done wrong to make himself so unlovable, but it would not last.

Like any with a highly functioning consciousness, he is capable of a wide spectrum of emotion. Sadness for example. This is something he rarely feels, and the blunt of which he felt when Lina had died before him. There will be no tears, he will not sulk, but he will scream and panic and mourn. Cheshire likely felt some responsibility over Lina's death, and the fact that he could not stop it. Sadness often results in anger.

Cheshire fears loosing those close to him. He lacks any idea of what to do when that happens, and so far it's only happened once. However, he has only ever been close to one person, and should he ever become close to another person (while it may not be easy) he will be sure to keep them close.

   BEING A CHESHIRE CAT;♦ Capable of transforming into a small black and white house cat.
♣ Also capable of transforming into a large purple monstrous cat.
♥ Enhanced senses due to being a cat.
     Hearing, smell, can see better than a human in the dark, etc. As well as strength matching the form he is in. Obviously if he is a house cat, he'll have the normal strength of a house cat. As a monstrous cat he would have the strength of an animal of that size. In addition to sharp claws and teeth capable of breaking bone.
♠ Can become transparent.
     This is to help him keep from being detected. HOWEVER. He can only make himself transparent. If he's walking on sand or in mud you will see footprints as he walks. If he's talking, you can hear him. It's likely that those with an enhanced sense of smell would be able to smell him, and those with enhanced hearing would be able to hear him even when not speaking. He is simply not visible. If he were wearing a collar, covered in blood/mud that would also become transparent with him. He cannot however, make someone touching him transparent. This ability also includes being capable of the famous Cheshire Cat fade in/fade out, and nothing but a floating smile - as he seems to be capable of deciding where becomes transparent.
♦ Being able to talk, with a grin as wide as his face. Not to mention having a long snake like tongue (when in monstrous form).
             NOTE: I would like for this power to also mean that Cheshire does not get a human form, as he can just disguise himself as a house/stray cat.

MURDER IS POWER;The more Cheshire kills the stronger he gets. This power is not unlimited, and once he is at full power murder will not do anything for him aside from giving him something to do.
     Cheshire will start with no power at all (death will also revert him to no power) - which means no abilities aside from that of a normal cat. In order to gain back his power he must kill.
Killing things such as mice/rats, birds and other small animals will return some of his power (I would say to the point of being able to make himself transparent). He will not be able to transform into his monstrous form until he regains a decent amount of his power. Killing humans (even by things like causing a car accident, or making someone fall down a flight of stairs) return a much larger chunk of his power. Likely he will not be able to return to his monstrous form until he kills a couple of humans.
     If he were to try and regain his full power by just killing other animals it would take a very long time, with probably hundreds/thousands of dead little animals.

[The screen is black, only a faint little hum coming through the communicator.]

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the waaa-be.
  All mimsy were the borigoves,

[There is a shift of light in the lens, as what seems to be a tail moves from in front of the camera.]

And the mo-- Oops.

[Around the small black and white house cat is a rather bloody scene. There are at least what looks like two bodies far off in the background.]

I must say, I grew quite bored.

[He licks a paw to clean it off.]

The mirrors here do not work like back home. I can't feel Wonderland any longer, and yet my power seems to have remained with me. It is for the best really, the last time I tried being a house cat didn't work out so well. And the time before that... is not worth thinking about.

We're all homeless here, but so many of you have made friends. So many of you are loved. What of those of us who are lost? Who have lost everything?

Such a horrible lot life has dealt, but I've found a nice way to fix that. And it's always good to pass the time. I may not be able to return to Wonderland, but in a place like this? I don't need to.

We're all mad here, now aren't we.

[Cheshire just grins widely into the camera.]

Wonderland was gone.

Where was he to go now? What was he to do?

Lina. LINA.      The one person who had ever shown him love and kindness, was gone as well. She should have healed, Wonderland should have healed her, and he should have kept her safe. He was lost now, no direction. There was no Wonderland and no Lina, just a new strange world.

A place that looked oddly like New York City.

Cheshire stepped out from an alleyway onto the sidewalk, his tail high in the air, waving back and forth. His face was still scarred and he would never get revenge. There would never be vengeance against little Carroll Ann, for all the pain she caused him. Physical and mental.

For his face and for Lina.

How he would enjoy snapping her neck, slicing her in two, her blood pooling by his paws. Yet, it would never be. There was no way out.
                  ʇno ʎɐʍ ou Or was there?

Who was to say that the people here were not lying, that the machine in control of this realm did not have an escape. Or perhaps this was more like Wonderland than he realized. Death was not permanent, just like Wonderland. There was no way out, just like Wonderland. Blood. Perhaps that was all this realm needed.

The feline hopped atop a garbage can, ears perked. As similar as this was to the real world, it was not it. This was another realm entirely, and it's ruler was hungry. Quite like home. Was he yet again a sacrifice to a new world? Forever cast away like an unwanted toy. How had the scientist found Wonderland? Perhaps there was a chance for it happening here.

A way to connect all realms. To find Calie and make her pay, make her suffer like never before.

The thought was a start at least. And humans were easy. They were like mice, scared and fearful. He retained his power, he could bend them any way he liked.

There had to be one around here that was useful.

Through comic book/artist logic Cheshire's right eye is sometimes normal and other times not. When he is in disguise as a house cat, his eyes are always normal, however once he is in his Wonderland form his right can can either be normal or completely white. If he is blind in that eye he does not show it. The comics. Make no sense.

#app, !ooc

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